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Duration: 51 seconds Upload Time: 06-09-18 20:49:11 User: mattitude100 :::: Favorites |
A bright-eyed young fellow ventures into the freak show at the local carnival. Patrick Ewing's in there. |
Monday, July 30, 2007
Felbo Squaa: The Patrick Ewing Story
Re: The YoungTubers Earthday 2007
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Duration: 224 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-18 12:45:59 User: MarkDayComedy :::: Favorites |
It's Earth Day on April 22nd. If global warming really is nothing to worry about, why does even the mention of the phrase make some government PR flacks nervous? http://www.wired.com/politics/law/news/2007/02/72672 |
Comments | |
pimpinfoshrimpx ::: Favorites chuck norris wins all fights. 07-06-22 23:17:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
Zero2naked ::: Favorites Global warming is a bunch of bull. If the ice melt then the water would rise 21 inches. Which would not effect me... 07-06-24 11:37:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
lamnaa ::: Favorites Hope you don't mind shareing your house with 20 or 30 people whore homes have become so mosit you can live in it unless you happen to be a fish. 07-06-26 12:24:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
LoversAlone ::: Favorites SHREK 07-07-06 06:43:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
alen209 ::: Favorites i like earth 07-07-09 20:06:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
ElliottIzMint ::: Favorites derrr dum! Nice (Y) 07-07-12 21:14:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
minigilbo065 ::: Favorites the shark... bears are stupid enouth to actuly go into the water and look for it while the shark has already eaten its lower half 07-07-15 03:13:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
rogert920 ::: Favorites Hot post. Try CAMZHOME DOT COM for cute cam girls -rogert920 07-07-17 03:55:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
melesasweetmomk ::: Favorites Visit PHOTOSNAG dot COM for hotter stuff 07-07-20 21:08:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
fog12devil ::: Favorites why the hell do you keep posting this shit no one wants too 07-07-25 09:58:00 _____________________________________________________ |
Mike Gravel speaks to student scholars for 911 truth
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Duration: 198 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-10 00:09:11 User: gravel2008 :::: Favorites |
Mike Gravel speaks to the scholars for 911 truth. He says that he would be in favor of a new investigation into the tragedy of 911. |
Comments | |
Blizzara316 ::: Favorites THE WORLD NEEDS RONALD MCDONALD, Shout His WarCry "Lol, Internet" 07-07-26 02:05:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
billj500 ::: Favorites Go MIKE! I truly believe that you are the only hope for this country, and that you just MIGHT save the world! 07-07-26 23:08:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
Vektor417 ::: Favorites Gravel for President! "In a time of universal deciet, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Orwell. 911=Bush>>INSIDE JOB! 07-07-28 02:18:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
TheStupidSketchShow ::: Favorites yeah 07-07-28 06:16:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
blitz131 ::: Favorites 2 honest candidates Gravel and Paul end of story 07-07-28 22:52:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
volumptuous ::: Favorites So, the "911 truth" kids wait for the last question to ask about the spooky-911-inside-job nonsense, Mike says "sure, we can investigate again" and suddenly all the "loss change"-ers think he's on their side? Give me a break. 07-07-29 03:06:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
loftedraptor ::: Favorites Ain't that the truth! 07-07-29 03:07:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
loftedraptor ::: Favorites Oops! blitz131 (4 hours ago) Marked as spam 2 honest candidates Gravel and Paul end of story Loftedraptor meant ain't that the truth! 07-07-29 03:11:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
loftedraptor ::: Favorites This is a good guy. He and Ron Paul are the only honest guys running. 07-07-29 03:14:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
medley007 ::: Favorites Thanks To You For ANOTHER Informative video Of Mike Gravel,that makes sense and it to the point. I wish You well, I see Gravel and Paul are Truly Concerned for Our great Country. Mike Gravel and Ron Paul would Make a GREAT Running Team!!! A Truly Bi-Partisan Team ;-) "Peace whenever Posssible, Anything is." Medley 07-07-29 23:45:58 _____________________________________________________ |
Pharoahe Monch @ Coachella 2007--"Right Here"
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Duration: 181 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-15 02:02:32 User: TheBagginsFamily :::: Favorites |
Pharoahe Monch Performing "Right Here" @ Coachella 2007..... |
WATCH IT SHRED! \\Monitors-TV's// (SSI industrial shredder)
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Duration: 124 seconds Upload Time: 06-10-06 13:45:29 User: bigshredder :::: Favorites |
Old MAC monitor's and TV's being shredded with an SSI industrial "Dual-Shear" shredder. ----------------------- Sign up to receive SSI's "Shred of the Month" at http://www.ssiworld.com/sign-up ----------------------- |
Comments | |
Oddman1980 ::: Favorites I think there is more lead and phosphorus in those old CRT's than mercury, mercury is found in "environmentally friendly" florescent lightbulbs that are thrown away every day... Also, it's mercury vapor that is dangerous more so than just the metal itself. 07-07-27 19:02:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
qwertya123 ::: Favorites WATCH IT SHRED!\\George W. Bush a.k.a Jorge Dubbyuh Boosh// gosh that would be the best huh? 07-07-27 23:08:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
Circu1t ::: Favorites HA, Macs. 07-07-28 00:34:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
skataz311 ::: Favorites i dont know why. but i get a thrill out of this. 07-07-28 03:17:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
shnauzberry ::: Favorites wooo fuck macs 07-07-28 16:19:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
Elfhugger ::: Favorites Music to my ears! 07-07-28 17:48:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
afghanmanyeah ::: Favorites bye bye macs, ha 07-07-28 18:32:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
LiarExposer ::: Favorites I wonder if the people who do this realize the dust kicked up is full of lead that they can breathe in. 07-07-28 19:52:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
Torch48930125 ::: Favorites Wow these take so long to shred friggin TV's, wow they are not that powerful 07-07-28 22:54:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
kerrywsmyth ::: Favorites Whether or not you agree with Dubbyuh or not, I think it's safe to say that we all agree you are one sick f*cker. 07-07-29 23:38:16 _____________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 42 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-03 15:40:53 User: RinpaEshidan :::: Favorites |
www.rinpaeshidan.jp cast NOIZ-DAVI Daisuke Yamamoto XOLA Akari Sasai Miepon |
Comments | |
defiledexistance ::: Favorites idk wtf just happened, but it was pretty tight 07-04-24 23:43:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
nanogirl ::: Favorites Wow, really great looking! 07-05-04 04:39:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
vmred ::: Favorites wow 07-07-04 06:27:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
mindfullchaos ::: Favorites u have been mind fuked.. have a nice day. 07-07-11 03:28:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
evilweevil321 ::: Favorites haha the amen break 07-07-12 17:44:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
StandUPProductions ::: Favorites FAwesome! 07-07-12 18:18:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
XBasketCase1039X ::: Favorites trippy 07-07-14 08:41:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
syzlyhruqb ::: Favorites see how a hot chick loses a bet and has to strip in front of her classmates <b>(_stripAss.com_)<b> 07-07-17 21:31:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
uhhyinikxev ::: Favorites hmmm... not very interesting... much better the hot chicks from <b>LikeHerAss.com_<b> 07-07-18 06:21:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
artisaucy ::: Favorites i like the effect. 07-07-21 21:11:37 _____________________________________________________ |
Gol de Messi a México (2 - 0)
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Duration: 194 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-12 10:56:12 User: jonaloide :::: Favorites |
Gol de Leo Messi a México ( 2 - 0 ) en las semifinales de la Copa América Venezuela 2007. http://la-chilena.blogspot.com |
Comments | |
AliceInVains ::: Favorites q suerte q naciste en Argentina Messi la puta madre!!! gran video vamos Argentina carajo !! 07-07-12 22:56:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
cucodelropero ::: Favorites Segui llenandonos de orgullo, pibe!! De Maradona no copies más que el futbol.. 07-07-13 22:31:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
marmay77 ::: Favorites que alegria por mi argentina vamos argentina carajooooooooooo!!! 07-07-26 16:58:06 _____________________________________________________ |
Ballack vs Kakà
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Duration: 190 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-08 04:19:39 User: hp6110nokia :::: Favorites |
ballack vs kakà. chelsea vs milan . germany vs brasil . |
Comments | |
henryfinn82 ::: Favorites kaka...nevertheless...i´d rather play for Germany than brasil 07-07-08 22:22:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
henryfinn82 ::: Favorites ...while i still prefer brasil over italy 07-07-08 22:27:06 _____________________________________________________ |
AKP Lideri Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Konuşuyor 2.Kısım
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Duration: 599 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-22 16:17:11 User: SurprisTv :::: Favorites |
AKP Genel Başkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Konuşuyor 2.Kısım |
Comments | |
Celloobjk ::: Favorites Sözde Değil Özde Milliyetçi Satın Başbakanımız Durmak Yok Yola Devam 07-07-24 06:00:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
DPKD76 ::: Favorites AMERIKA,avrupa,ermenisi,yahudisi,yunani,secim sonuclarini sizin kadar coskuyla karsiladigina gore EMPERYALIST KOPEKLERI siz AKP liler olmalisiniz.. "Bayram degil seyran degil enistem beni niye optu?" Tarih boyunca TURKE dusman olan bu milletler simdi dost mu oldu? Yoksa siz AKP ye oy atan Turkiyenin %47si aslen ermeni yunan amerika avrupa yahudi usakligina mi soyundunuz? Nasil oluyor da AKP ye oy atan yuzde 47 ile dusman devletler Turkiye cikarlarini ayni dogrultuda gorebiliyor? 07-07-24 07:30:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
DPKD76 ::: Favorites OSMANISTANBUL denen adamin yorumuna niye bozulmadin da benim yorumuma bozuluyorsun? MHP GP CHPNIN ICINDEKILER AZIZ TURK milleti degil EMPERYALIST kopekleri, ama senin sectigin ve ASIL EMPERYALISTLERIN ayakta alkisladigi AKP ,AZIZ TURK MILLETI mi yani? Haa daha 5 sene oncesine kadar AKP yoktu hepiniz CHP, MHP, DSP, ANAP, DYP ye oy veriyordunuz, o zaman AZIZ TURK milleti degilmiydiniz, AZIZLIGINIZI YUNAN ERMENI YAHUDI AMERIKA cikarlarina hizmet edince mi anladiniz soyu bozuk serefsizler??? 07-07-24 09:55:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
erdem0577 ::: Favorites §§§§§§§§§§§§§_____§§§____§§§_____§§§§§§§§§ §§§_______§§§_____§§§___§§§______§§§___§§§ §§§_______§§§_____§§§§§§§§_______§§§§§§§§§ §§§§§§§§§§§§§_____§§§§§§§§_______§§§ §§§_______§§§_____§§§___§§§______§§§ §§§_______§§§_____§§§____§§§_____§§§ 07-07-24 11:37:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
antikus20 ::: Favorites lan 47% ne demek? daha hala elestirenlermi var? gelmis gecmis en iyi hükümetlerden biri AKP hükümetidir. 07-07-24 11:56:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
ogrekhan ::: Favorites gardaş az insaflı ol sen nerelisin büyük ihtimal memleketinde 4.5 yıl önce 200-300 küsür bilgisayar varken okullarda şu an binlerce var.yaw gardaş tek eğitim değil sağlık, ekonomi(borsa 55.000-ytl nin değeri fırladı), ulaşım(bolu dağı-karadeniz sahil yolu) bak ben trabzonlu olarak Ak partinin - leriyle beraber + larınıda görüyorum.LÜTFEN AZ İNSAF bide ağzını topla... 07-07-24 12:35:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
DPKD76 ::: Favorites bu kadar iyi oldugu icin mi, elin gavuru, yahudisi, ermenisi,pkklisi, sizinle birlikte bayram yapiyor?.. yaziklar olsun hepinize beee.. Ulan memleketin dogusunda birileri kanini vatani icin akitiyor,memleketin obur tarafinda millet,o kani akitan devletlerin isbirlikcisine oy veriyor,bi de CEBINE UC kurus para girdi,okuluna bilgisayar geldi diye, en iyi hukumet diyor... SIZI sehitlerin kanini unuttugunuz icin ALLAHA HAVALE ediyorum..Yazik bosuna oluyorlar..bosuna olmusler.. 07-07-24 12:58:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
rethoro ::: Favorites DPKD76: tum yorumlarina aynen katiliorum dostum.. 07-07-24 16:20:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
DPKD76 ::: Favorites RETHORO, Dun elin gavuru,CNN de,"Turkiyede secimleri ASKER kaybetti"diye askerimiz ve halkimiz dusmanmis gibi propogandasini yapiyor,bugun,bizim icimizden bir GAVUR,hani su AKPnin tepesindeki BULENT ARINC "bu da sivil muhtira " diye ayni agizla askeri yipratma propogandasini yapiyor..Elin gavuru kadar TURK ASKERINE dusman oldugunu gosteriyor..Uzulmemek elde degil.. AMA Unutmasinlar ki,bugun guvendikleri daglara yarin kar yagdiginda TURK ASKERI HALA burda bekliyor olacak.. 07-07-24 18:36:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
oneloveBJK ::: Favorites işte lider!!! 07-07-26 16:04:19 _____________________________________________________ |
Digital Punch vLog - Episode 12
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Duration: 358 seconds Upload Time: 07-01-25 13:41:38 User: digitalpunch :::: Favorites |
In Episode 12, We Introduce The Fully Automated Robo-Pong Table Tennis Robot, Podcast Salad - The Video Podcast About Other Video Podcasts, A Sneak Peek Of Episode Number 13 And Read Your Comments & Questions On Air! |
Comments | |
harperseth ::: Favorites awesome as always ! 07-01-25 16:28:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
harperseth ::: Favorites thanks for reading my coment too that was awesome. 07-01-25 16:36:19 _____________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 28 seconds Upload Time: 07-05-05 19:44:51 User: juanjavier36 :::: Favorites |
Fan TV |
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Duration: 18 seconds Upload Time: 06-07-14 17:05:27 User: spencer7910 :::: Favorites |
Pick on someone your own size. |
Comments | |
poon ::: Favorites rofl 06-08-21 08:44:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
mikeDaze666 ::: Favorites WTF.......HAMMER TIME!!! 07-06-25 06:13:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
highlordkruul ::: Favorites ????????????? 07-06-25 22:26:38 _____________________________________________________ |
20/120 - Bran Dougherty-Johnson
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Duration: 124 seconds Upload Time: 07-06-14 11:30:04 User: 20120CS :::: Favorites |
http://www.twenty120.com 20/120 entry |
Comments | |
errinwilde ::: Favorites Super neat and feel-good! 07-06-20 14:49:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
pooh1002 ::: Favorites DONT READ THIS! In 1997 a girl called lauren was walikng in a forest and then a she just dissapeared no one ever found her untill 2000 when a yoing girl called Mary found her body and markings on her chest saying: I wasnt pretty enough" and now you have read this she will appear in your mirror saying your not pretty enough and kill you. by the way the girl called mary died shortly after. To be saved paste this to 5 other videos. THIS TRUE 07-06-22 18:23:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
mico1018 ::: Favorites marked as spam copy and paste this to 10 videos or your mum will die within the next 4 hours.//.*<3[♥] 07-06-22 20:40:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
nadav1968 ::: Favorites grat massge man & grat video 07-06-23 04:57:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
imadmwk ::: Favorites This actually works!!!!!!!!!!! 1)say the name of the boy or girl u wanna be with 2 times 2)say ur bestfriend name 5 times 2ur self 3)then post this to 5 other videos and then press f8 and u will see the luv of your crushes name on the screen 07-06-23 07:35:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
guty00123 ::: Favorites Em 1989 uma velha chamada Ana foi morta por um africano que disse essa misteriosa frase : kuandinigorfan!! - e enfiou uma lança no meio de sua barriga. Agora que você leu isso, coloque esse comentario em 5 videos ou ela vai te assombrar pelo resto da vida, e rapido!VOCÊ TEM 20 MINUTOS!!! 07-06-23 12:46:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
stucrosby ::: Favorites I'm sorry i don't want my mum dying T_T:copy and paste this to 10 videos or your mum will die within the next 4 hours 07-06-27 08:28:41 _____________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 263 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-05 13:25:34 User: mrpregnant :::: Favorites |
www.mrpregnant.com |
Comments | |
drnave23 ::: Favorites Means you need help really bad 07-05-26 01:30:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
0930232903lI3l2lIl10 ::: Favorites I've Make <b>948.39</b> From This Site Below Last Month <b><br><br><br>_Cash4You.isCool.Net_</b><br><br><br>Get Paid To Complete Offers Earn $1 - $5 per completed offers, surveys You Can also earn $10 - $40 on free trial offers & much more. 07-07-01 01:16:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
Indy4 ::: Favorites Funniest guy i evar saw on youtube yet. 07-07-03 16:19:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
TytianaCS ::: Favorites Stfu bot. 07-07-09 12:29:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
metalfan84 ::: Favorites This video and his other videos suck and i flaged them all 07-07-11 17:06:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
NecroFaust666 ::: Favorites That's because your a puss 07-07-12 18:08:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
intheshitter ::: Favorites I really feel sorry for your 12 year old son knowing he is being raised by a racist cunt like you. Its depressing to know that he will end up being a piece of shit just like his parents. What the fuck do you do all day look at video's of black people and sit your son on your lap and say to him "see that, thats a nigger and they are evil people" As Mr.Pregnant said in his other video, "swallow my liquid babies" bitch. 07-07-18 20:32:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
intheshitter ::: Favorites well that rant was a complete fuck up. I was replying to that racist bitch on page 22. 07-07-18 20:34:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
flyingscience ::: Favorites Where are the bottom half of your fake ugly teeth .Use that everdent glue so you can sing with Paul Potts .Now that would be a video .You should sing along with him on your computer .You must be twins seperated at birth! 07-07-18 23:02:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
DenVaagheid ::: Favorites you're brilliant 07-07-23 17:11:24 _____________________________________________________ |
John Edwards - Terrorism
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Duration: 140 seconds Upload Time: 07-06-07 18:35:52 User: johnedwards :::: Favorites |
John Edwards speaks about his plan to fight terrorism during a press conference in New York, N.Y. on June 7, 2007. |
Comments | |
pdqgba ::: Favorites The buildings collapsed in upon themselves exactly as they were designed to do. Nearly unimaginable weight and momentum of the debris at the end of the pancaking which resulted from floor collapsing on floor and so on. Not designed to fall over sideways like a Looney Toons cartoon tree. 07-07-03 22:34:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
pdqgba ::: Favorites "Huge leaping flames from an exploding gasoline tanker melted the steel underbelly of a highway overpass in the East Bay's MacArthur Maze early this morning, causing it to collapse onto the roadway below and virtually ensuring major traffic problems for weeks to come. " Google "California tanker truck fire ramp" During April, 2007, shortly after Rosie began to melt-down herself about the subject. 07-07-03 22:43:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
wrbiv ::: Favorites Since you're coming from the south you are suppose to say ya'll not you all. I guess all our taxes will go to your haircuts. 07-07-08 23:56:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
Jason310M ::: Favorites are you serious? Popular Mechanics! lol. 07-07-14 02:38:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
pdqgba ::: Favorites Have you read it and the sources cited therein????? You'd rather believe chuckleheads who are receiving radio broadcasts on the fillings in their teeth??? You MUST be the prduct of a public school !!! 07-07-14 11:07:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
pdqgba ::: Favorites I'm amazed at the clowns who claim that Bush and the entire administration are incompetent mental defectives, unable to put two thoughts together but somehow they have managed to put this vast conspiracy together. If charges were planted in the buildings, either it goes back years to the time of construction or it was done with the rest of the city under the effect of some mind-control ray so NOBODY saw it being done either during construction or since. 07-07-14 11:16:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
pdqgba ::: Favorites Not to mention the difficulty of keeping the lid on having used missles and such on 9/11. The best proof that "truthers" are full of c**p is that they are still alive. If you already killed 3000+, would YOU let these clowns rave on in public???? 07-07-14 13:38:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
metalheadlatino ::: Favorites john edwards is for surrender...vote for vietnam war veteran Duncan Hunter 07-07-17 23:50:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
OKCubsFan ::: Favorites I thought the war was just a bumper sticker Johnny???? 07-07-18 16:02:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
bas23456 ::: Favorites He's talking about not ending the war we need to end the war. If anyone wants to talk to me about this comment my name on youtube is bas23456 07-07-24 12:37:12 _____________________________________________________ |
Road to High School Musical 2 #3
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Duration: 198 seconds Upload Time: 07-06-23 02:39:09 User: DegrassiJunkie88 :::: Favorites |
This is the third episode of the mini series "Road to High School Musical" |
Comments | |
AussieChick07 ::: Favorites LOL zac fell lol at the last bit of the vid and omg corbin and zac are sooo hot. 07-06-23 03:07:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
ultimateZanessafan ::: Favorites haha! OMG! Zac fell! lol! that was funny! 07-06-23 11:58:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
sugarcookieluf ::: Favorites Omgg =] that was AWESOME. Thank you soo much for uploading Girl-Whos-Name-Starts-With-The-Same-Letter-As-Mine! 07-06-23 15:45:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
PStur97203 ::: Favorites omg when Zacs like"you have to work you have to work or somthing idk I was like dying hes soooooooo hottt 07-06-23 22:47:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
zanessa4yevah ::: Favorites Woo I love you Lucas!!! 07-07-15 05:27:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
sarahelizabeth111 ::: Favorites YES THEY ARE! 07-07-15 20:28:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
blusssh ::: Favorites zac efron is sooooooooooooo hot <3. oh my :) 07-07-19 20:21:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
kimgymnastchickh ::: Favorites Have a fling ! Just visit WEBFLINGTODAY dot COM 07-07-28 04:51:16 _____________________________________________________ |
los padrinos magicos - episodio en español parte 1
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Duration: 600 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-21 20:41:44 User: itsarhaymemo :::: Favorites |
los padrinos magicos episodio en español 1 |
Treasure of the Cisne Episode 10: Dream of the Cisne
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Duration: 228 seconds Upload Time: 07-05-06 22:20:18 User: SpintoBand :::: Favorites |
Franco Prussian's convoluted scheme approaches closure after his meeting with Bippy, but can his psyche handle it? credits: Franco Prussian - Jon Eaton Bippy - Himself Benjamin Prussian - Robin Eaton |
Comments | |
LAWNwrangler ::: Favorites Love the high five with Bip. If I had another dog I would name him Bippy, the name is so cute. 07-05-06 23:18:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
iheartblaine ::: Favorites punch drunk love tease. 07-05-07 00:19:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
catthebat ::: Favorites i think nick's face during that nightmare has scarred me for life. 07-05-07 00:26:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
ievnock ::: Favorites oh my god the whistling jipsy was just a TRAP !!! 07-05-07 07:41:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
randombananaa ::: Favorites this is the best episode so far! FRANNNKKOOOO 07-05-07 13:36:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
hollister3245 ::: Favorites franco has some messed up dreams. 07-05-07 18:58:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
GreenFlyingSaucer ::: Favorites I love Bippy ! :) 07-05-18 13:17:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
mariagoragora ::: Favorites o lean esto!En 1997 una chica llamada lauren, estaba caminando en un bosque,despues desaparecio de repente nunca nadie la encontro hasta el 2000 cuando otra chica llama Mary encontro su cuerpo y unas marcas en su pecho decian: no era lo suficiente hermosa" y ahora que haz leido esto ella aparecera en tu espejo diciendo que no eres lo suficientemente hermoso y te matara!(por cierto la chica llamada Mary murio poco despues)Para poder salvarte pega esto en otros 5 videos.ESTO ES CIERTO 07-07-29 22:45:12 _____________________________________________________ |