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Duration: 07:38 minutes Upload Time: 07-03-27 17:23:51 User: CSPANJUNKIEdotORG :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: MARCH 26, 2007 KEITH OLBERMANN |
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alexuscnewjersey ::: Favorites Get a hot date at > WEBFLINGTODAY . COM < 07-08-20 01:21:39 __________________________________________________ | |
uricehe4 ::: Favorites This comes from a source who was in Afghanistan with connections to Tillman's Unit: Not only had PT become more antiwar in his views, he'd expressed disgust with military corruption and misconduct he'd seen and it was believed he'd documented it in a diary he kept. Shortly thereafter he was killed in VERY suspicious circumstances, the diary disappeared, and the Army went into massive cover up/lie mode. Draw your own conclusions. 07-07-31 20:33:16 __________________________________________________ | |
leperleper123 ::: Favorites AVENGE PAT TILLMAN!!! 07-07-30 18:20:06 __________________________________________________ | |
GeorgeVreelandHill ::: Favorites Shame on the military for lying to the family of hero Pat Tillman and the public about the circumstances of Tillman's death in Afghanistan. Just tell the truth. One man saw what happened to Tillman, and he was told to keep quiet about it. Tillman and others who have, and are serving their country, are not doing so to have their families lied to. Military leaders lie through their teeth to make the war on terror look better than it really is. Don't serve your country! George Vreeland Hill 07-05-02 00:57:10 __________________________________________________ | |
nadelbbirt ::: Favorites Did you ever think that he was deliberately murdered because he was so high profile and because he was against the Iraq war? If a man like Pat Tillman opened his mouth in a negative way against chicken hawks like Bush and Co. 07-04-25 09:43:17 __________________________________________________ | |
vasyvic ::: Favorites Lies about Weapons of Mass Destruction, lies about Jessica Lynch, Abu Graib torture, Tillman's death, then lies to cover-up. Were we lied to about 9/11 too? Who benefited? At least Pat Tillman had the honesty to investigate and to change what he believed was true. In the ESPN Radio interview Tillman's mother Mary says that she cannot exclude the possibility that he may have been shot deliberately. We need to investigate too. The way to honor Pat Tillman is by being free! 07-04-03 17:20:49 __________________________________________________ | |
mpicanco ::: Favorites The coverup is a huge issue.. but why isn't anyone focusing on the circumstances of hi death - to have something as rare as fratricide in such an elite unit? Why was he shot? NFL, honerable guy, against the Iraq war while fighting against the Taliban, and.. oh yeah, he was an atheist. Was the guy who shot him a fundamentalist christian? I want to know. 07-03-31 15:57:19 __________________________________________________ | |
jondough83 ::: Favorites funny how the original story was just propaganda, we are fed propaganda everyday people, its time to wake up 07-03-28 01:52:43 __________________________________________________ |
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
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Duration: 00:1 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-07 05:20:25 User: p0keball :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: cob the pk |
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S2KVTEC ::: Favorites nice :) 07-09-13 15:14:36 __________________________________________________ | |
doo2doo2dude2 ::: Favorites lol o snap me too!! e\/3ry d4y 07-09-08 13:22:30 __________________________________________________ | |
PureJosker ::: Favorites Lol Nice.. :P Pretty random aha the pic is awesome :D 07-09-07 06:54:01 __________________________________________________ | |
TaintedDemon ::: Favorites lol nice cob 07-09-07 05:57:06 __________________________________________________ | |
icpkidpunk ::: Favorites first commet and view what now mexcian what now 07-09-07 05:33:03 __________________________________________________ | |
p0keball ::: Favorites i kick cats that wear hats and sleep on mats. i blow dry a cats eye and slap its white thigh if its wearing a dyed tie, and thats no lie, why? oh my! 07-09-07 05:24:27 __________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 05:38 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-13 22:44:21 User: CSPANJUNKIEdotORG :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: SEPTEMBER 13, 2007 BUSH SPEECH MSNBC |
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kacytrench3343 ::: Favorites Cheating girlfriends exposed on cam at CAMREVENGE dot COM 07-09-17 12:29:35 __________________________________________________ | |
JamJells ::: Favorites Impeach him. Don't let him get away with it. 07-09-13 23:15:28 __________________________________________________ | |
naaf89 ::: Favorites "But once again, the president failed to provide either a plan to successfully end the war, or a convincing rationale to continue it." Very well said. Great response, and that's coming from a conservative! 07-09-13 22:55:50 __________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 11:41 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-03 05:39:53 User: CSPANJUNKIEdotORG :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: JULY 02, 2007 NEWS HOUR |
Comments | |
arleneeblonnde ::: Favorites Get a hot date at > WEBFLINGTODAY . COM < 07-08-27 06:26:23 __________________________________________________ | |
loti2100 ::: Favorites Any they not strained. Attitudes between the vassal of Israel N1 and the vassal of Israel N2. Israel was going to do the Armageddon in the World:) - it is not ridiculous. Both the USA and Canada and the Russian Federation, in general all not Jews - in baked. To Israel in general on all to spit. And to Chassids so even on simple Jews who not "are patriotic enough". Saw films about the Life after accidents-it of all waits. At them soon Mossiah as in any way. 07-08-03 12:40:26 __________________________________________________ | |
HowToNotTo ::: Favorites bush has radical views too, but didn't he get everything he wanted? 07-07-04 20:11:57 __________________________________________________ | |
silverdesk48 ::: Favorites I vote for the person....not the party. I put principles ABOVE politics. I don't care whether there is a R or D behind their name. At this time the only person I definitly will vote for is Ron Paul! I think he has been treated shamefully by the media. Since when is it a crime to have an opinion in a debate and be shut out, and ignored by both parties, and media. What would God say to that? 07-07-04 11:23:16 __________________________________________________ | |
wiskawind ::: Favorites LOL "Being gay won't save your wiska ass" Maybe being fifty-eight and a grandmother seven times, and great grandmother twice will! (grin) You must be one of those homophobic neo-cons; anyone who doesn't agree with your ignorant point of view must be gay! LOL As far as gays go, why do you worry about what anyone else does in THEIR bedroom; maybe if you had a REAL life of your, you wouldn't be so concerned about the sexual preferences of others! 07-07-04 00:08:45 __________________________________________________ | |
dafttool ::: Favorites Agreed, just because he's critical of the war and the GOP isn't reason enough to support him. Paul has radical views when it comes to reshaping the way the government works and what reponsibilities it has toward the citizenry. And even if elected, his views are so radical, they would NEVER be enacted by Congress or approved of by the American people. He's only talking about the stuff he knows we want to hear, but he's being relatively silent about his ultimate agenda. 07-07-03 15:15:41 __________________________________________________ | |
darkgatherer ::: Favorites If the Dems were in power 4 years ago there never would have even been a discussion about a war with Iraq, so the idea that they would invade Iran is crazy. 07-07-03 15:13:02 __________________________________________________ | |
darkgatherer ::: Favorites Then he is very similar to Ron Paul, except Ron Paul wants to strip away the most significant civil rights legislation that protects the rights of African-Americans. 07-07-03 15:10:21 __________________________________________________ | |
HowToNotTo ::: Favorites wind Hillary and Obama already pledged to get you drafted to a new war with iran, and no , being gay won't save your wiska ass from a draft 07-07-03 15:03:11 __________________________________________________ | |
dafttool ::: Favorites Tancredo was one of the 3 GOP candidates who said they didn't believe in Evolution, instead believing in a literal translation of the Bible. He has built his base by taking a hardline exploiting the illegal immigrant issue. He believes in keeping gays as second class citizens, not giving them the same rights and privileges of straight Americans. 07-07-03 12:30:09 __________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 09:04 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-28 05:29:53 User: CSPANJUNKIEdotORG :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: JULY 27, 2007 BBC "Caterpillar betrays its stated values when it sells bulldozers to Israel knowing that they are being used to illegally destroy Palestinian homes," said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. "Until Israel stops these practices, Caterpillar's continued sales will make the company complicit in human rights abuses." |
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OperationNorthwoods ::: Favorites Damn...7 years ago I bought their Sandals 07-08-25 08:54:33 __________________________________________________ | |
tcaetano77 ::: Favorites Support CaterPilar 07-08-11 18:06:37 __________________________________________________ | |
OperationNorthwoods ::: Favorites Thanks ''M'' wishes another " m " too :D 07-08-06 20:16:19 __________________________________________________ | |
VideoResponseTeam ::: Favorites Actually mi6, I've never heard any Palestinian rights advocates say that Palestinians are direct descendants of Caananites. Not that I doubt that some confused set of advocates say somemthing like that. Perhaps it serves some emotional purpose on your own part to believe that is a major theme of those of us who oppose Israel's policies in the area. 07-08-06 20:06:18 __________________________________________________ | |
VideoResponseTeam ::: Favorites This prime spot of human civilization is sometimes laughingly believed to have been totally empty when Britain (who had no right to it) "gave it" to foreign Jews. There were, of course, also some Jews in the area already. And outnumbering them were those Arabs in the area who we now refer to as "Palestinians." 07-08-06 20:06:03 __________________________________________________ | |
VideoResponseTeam ::: Favorites Arguments about historical rights to the area are beside the point---we argue for the rights of the people who were already there at the time. Further, this *was* on the mainstream media... this is a piece from the BBC is it not? 07-08-06 20:04:45 __________________________________________________ | |
mi6QBranch ::: Favorites Yes because Rachel didn't take the same responsibility did she? 07-08-04 00:37:08 __________________________________________________ | |
mi6QBranch ::: Favorites Because every mainstream news sourse knows this is a propoganda video. It worked though. You bought it. ;) 07-08-04 00:36:27 __________________________________________________ | |
mi6QBranch ::: Favorites I'm sorry but some of you are confused liberals. Israel was given to the Jews 40 years after they fled egypt. This misnomer that the Palestinians are the rightful heirs because some have the mistaken knowledge they are related to the caananites is wrong. Funny, but wrong nonetheless. Google Rachels picture and see the flagburning traiter for yourselves. 07-08-04 00:34:30 __________________________________________________ | |
ariakokoschka ::: Favorites Israelis don't care if one people die or million. They are on the path of ethnic cleansing. That's their goal, that's what they brainwash their children, sending their young soldiers from village to village to agitate and humiliate people and what do you expect in return? Some lunatic sends other brainwashed kids to kill Israelis. But Israel policy of ethnic cleansing is placed to cause chaos so they can tell the world our occupation is justified. 07-08-02 14:48:54 __________________________________________________ |
DC PEACE RALLY MAR.17, 2007 part 6
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Duration: 08:32 minutes Upload Time: 07-03-19 06:04:49 User: CSPANJUNKIEdotORG :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: MARCH 17, 2007 C-SPAN |
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lazerflesh ::: Favorites I met the guy with the dreads on a few occasions at peace rallies. He always says really uplifting things and gets the crowd wrild and happy. 07-03-21 18:04:39 __________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 03:36 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-10 06:20:35 User: CSPANJUNKIEdotORG :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: SEPTEMBER 09, 2007 ABC NEWS |
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gothicseed ::: Favorites The malformed tree frogs (all over the globe), the disappearance of Polar bears, they are all SIGNS that lead us toward the eventual self undoing of MAN (by pollution etc)... the comments like Budvb's that say 'I don't care about Polar bears as long as my part of the food chain survives' is ignorance in its highest form that doubles in self destructive behaviors. Sad for the bears, the frogs, man and yes even Budvb... 07-09-15 14:30:08 __________________________________________________ | |
gothicseed ::: Favorites If you believe in the Bible, it says we are to be "stewards of the earth".. this MIGHT (if you stretch your mind maybe an inch) include saving animals.... 07-09-15 14:26:17 __________________________________________________ | |
Budvb ::: Favorites lol who cares about the Polar Bear I don't Eat it. As long as my food chain survives I will survive! Screw the Polar Bear They seem to do all right in zoo's so they will do alright with no Ice and Global Warming is a Joke its getting down to 30's at night in mid summer I guess the Coldest Winter on the Books would still make you think the Globe is still warming! LLAMA! 07-09-14 15:18:11 __________________________________________________ | |
gothicseed ::: Favorites "Polar bears don' live just on the ice"??? THAT's your ignorant "argument"? LOL! They need the ice floes to get from land mass to land mass (they've been doing this for thousands of years) you selfish, ignorant who-gives-a-damn about other species MORON! 07-09-14 15:15:05 __________________________________________________ | |
Sinistertino ::: Favorites hahaha 07-09-13 16:28:04 __________________________________________________ | |
Budvb ::: Favorites exactly my point moron! Why don't you crawl in a corner and die! Polar Bears don't live on just the Ice! llama 07-09-11 16:19:59 __________________________________________________ | |
gothicseed ::: Favorites what a stupid, uneducated "observation" ... Crystal balls aren't used, moron .. scientific data accumulated over decades of observable predictions are! 07-09-11 15:40:50 __________________________________________________ | |
Budvb ::: Favorites I wanna know who got the crystal ball! As Humans do Polar Bears will have to adapt, or die. Which I am sure they will, like all animals do! But, I think the Nukes will kill more polar bears then If the Ice melts! The water currents are what warm and cool the earth not just man! 07-09-10 15:17:20 __________________________________________________ | |
OpenMind38 ::: Favorites lol 07-09-10 15:14:00 __________________________________________________ | |
Hauteur723 ::: Favorites That's if this world is still around in 2050. 07-09-10 14:43:58 __________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 03:34 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-02 15:35:35 User: CSPANJUNKIEdotORG :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: JULY 02, 2007 BBC WORLD |
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BaltiSkandidos ::: Favorites USA supports israel.. Iran supports islamists. its normal 07-09-17 18:33:53 __________________________________________________ | |
TooSt0nEdToPee ::: Favorites Pull your head out of your ass...fool 07-08-28 20:42:39 __________________________________________________ | |
ABRAHAM104 ::: Favorites Iran is also supporting the insurgents in Chechnya. 07-07-03 13:24:34 __________________________________________________ | |
moxxido ::: Favorites SADAM HUSEIN HAD WMD. 07-07-03 11:24:12 __________________________________________________ | |
dafttool ::: Favorites This is the US trying to push for war with Iran. Where is our government's same outrage at al-Qaeda flooding across the Saudi Arabian border? 07-07-02 20:32:30 __________________________________________________ | |
DamNationDiplomat ::: Favorites In iraq, weaponry is literally laying in the streets, and if you can't find it there, you can buy an assault rifle plus lots of ammo for less than we pay for dinner for two at denny's. Nobody is 'hard pressed' to conduct violent action in the streets of baghdad. 07-07-02 18:25:50 __________________________________________________ | |
dernonique666 ::: Favorites are you american? I guess not since you call us bastards 07-07-02 18:15:37 __________________________________________________ | |
dernonique666 ::: Favorites hahahahhaa you're good. 07-07-02 17:41:37 __________________________________________________ | |
bluethinggg ::: Favorites The least they could do was make some cute drawings of mobile weapons... uh... training facilities. 07-07-02 17:25:53 __________________________________________________ | |
CSPANJUNKIEdotORG ::: Favorites You need to understand Iran's motivation... "We have to fight them there, so we wont have to fight them here" Here being Iran. Even a moron can understand that :) 07-07-02 17:18:01 __________________________________________________ |
destilando amor
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Duration: 03:04 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-15 03:41:52 User: destilandoamor33 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: capitulo miercoles 13 de septiembre del 2007 |
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jairitito ::: Favorites coloca mas capitulos y gracias 07-09-16 23:27:54 __________________________________________________ | |
jairitito ::: Favorites por favor coloca mas alla en mexico ya fue la final por favor coloca todos los capitulos que faltan esta cheverisimo gracias 07-09-16 23:27:11 __________________________________________________ | |
bscb11bscb11bscb11 ::: Favorites ponnnn masssssssss 07-09-15 12:34:24 __________________________________________________ | |
pajurese ::: Favorites gracias, por tu tiempo . i love this novela. 07-09-15 09:22:35 __________________________________________________ |
Bak Kim Dans Ediyor Bengü gencturkhaber.com
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Duration: 05:36 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-10 21:57:42 User: gthcomm :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Bak Kim Dans Ediyor Bengü gencturkhaber.com |
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babaishak ::: Favorites haketti lan 07-06-14 16:32:07 __________________________________________________ | |
esfirina ::: Favorites bengü bu yarışmayı kazanmayı hak etmedi... 07-06-12 11:58:49 __________________________________________________ |
Fifth Gear - Volkswagen Golf drives its self
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Duration: 05:27 minutes Upload Time: 07-04-27 04:09:47 User: dandatrk :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Volkswagen Golf drives its self |
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keviscool78 ::: Favorites top gear is better than fifth gear 07-05-29 21:26:56 __________________________________________________ | |
coolaa ::: Favorites Cool, when are we going to see this technology in the road? 07-04-29 12:56:33 __________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 03:36 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-05 06:16:24 User: CSPANJUNKIEdotORG :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: SEPTEMBER 04, 2007 CBC NEWS |
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MarlboroMan4056 ::: Favorites Using fashion as an excuse...every mature of you. 07-09-05 20:06:25 __________________________________________________ | |
crazycatfguy ::: Favorites Expecting the state to legislate your pet peeves can come back to bite you in the ass because other people have pet peeves too. 07-09-05 19:43:40 __________________________________________________ | |
xxashyy ::: Favorites Good ol Sovietchnuckstan! 07-09-05 18:30:46 __________________________________________________ | |
gillybymarriage ::: Favorites Is there any reason why they couldn't have just banned the wearing of the atual hoods that are on the hoodies? You can't go into a bank wearing a hooded sweatshirt with the hood actually over your head, and I understand the reasoning behind it, but they don't keep people out of a bank just because they are wearing a hooded sweatshirt. 07-09-05 18:19:54 __________________________________________________ | |
xXxWritersWingsxXx ::: Favorites lmfao..if only. 07-09-05 18:19:21 __________________________________________________ | |
vititom ::: Favorites As the first adult commenting on this board, I have to say that I am glad they ban the hoodies. That's clothing for fashion lazy people, just like the sweatpants or ponytails. Maybe sweatpants are a necessity for fat people, but that's another story. 07-09-05 16:34:59 __________________________________________________ | |
CounterRevolutionary ::: Favorites You will learn to love the police state, it keeps us safe and warm. 07-09-05 15:58:36 __________________________________________________ | |
gobblegobblechew ::: Favorites This is the same thing my school did in HB...We were not supposed to wear red or blue colored hats or shirts. It was because of gang trouble in the area. I was never a gang member and so I wore what I wanted which included a red shirt. I was in trouble every time, but never gave in. If your High School pulls this shit, dont give in...stand your ground! Its just High School, college is where the learning begins anyway. 07-09-05 15:46:18 __________________________________________________ | |
DeletedDelusion ::: Favorites Ban, ban, ban...... How are these students ought to become responsible and mature adults if the authority (school) just makes all the decisions for them? 07-09-05 13:34:01 __________________________________________________ | |
DamNationDiplomat ::: Favorites Good god...those girls could go to school clothed in twenty dollar bills! 07-09-05 12:18:53 __________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 06:53 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-05 05:40:38 User: CSPANJUNKIEdotORG :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: SEPTEMBER 04, 2007 BBC WORLD |
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Darkwolfo90 ::: Favorites you know some one in the world will let it grow in to some sort of cow-man 07-09-16 17:20:08 __________________________________________________ | |
dafttool ::: Favorites Not necessarily. It isn't black or white, but rather shades of gray. It all depends upon what is being done. 50-50 crosses would be of course morally reprehensible. Even 75-25 crosses. But these crosses are fractional in comparison to the tens of thousands of genes in any sequence. We are on the cusp of CURING some of the worst diseases and maladies that have plagued man our entire history. Untold suffering can be ended for many. I fullheartedly endorse this medical research. 07-09-10 15:31:15 __________________________________________________ | |
sourcemaster ::: Favorites So you don't deny it is evil. 07-09-10 15:13:56 __________________________________________________ | |
dafttool ::: Favorites Sourcemaster: "...not in extreme circumstance." Tell that to a quadriplegic. 07-09-06 08:00:15 __________________________________________________ | |
ryto12 ::: Favorites Spider-pig-man will soon become a reality. 07-09-06 03:08:38 __________________________________________________ | |
sourcemaster ::: Favorites A necessary evil is still evil mind you. No one has to go to these extremes as we are not in extreme cicumstance... 07-09-06 02:47:59 __________________________________________________ | |
sheepwshotguns ::: Favorites truly amazing. i sure hope the politics and public ignorance dont interfere yet again... 07-09-06 00:50:28 __________________________________________________ | |
stagetech101 ::: Favorites We are yet to accept different human existance so what makes us believe we can accept cybrids? 07-09-05 23:29:29 __________________________________________________ | |
MarlboroMan4056 ::: Favorites I dont see the advantage of human/cow embryos, as opposed to just a human embryo, can somebody please explain. As long as they're not letting them grow into some freakish man-cow...or cow-man. 07-09-05 19:58:08 __________________________________________________ | |
antiklaus ::: Favorites I have no moral opposition to this research, but I certainly would utilize caution when throwing DNA strands together... we can activate dormant but hostile virii that have lay millions of years in the genetic record, or we could introduce new genetic disorders into our gene pools, or even create a super species of cow that eats people! (ok the last one was a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea). 07-09-05 18:56:08 __________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 05:46 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-11 19:09:32 User: CSPANJUNKIEdotORG :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: JULY 11, 2007 TUCKER |
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gulllars ::: Favorites Just like he said in a speech earlier: The ignoring has past, the ridiculing is almost over, and now people treat him seriously. That may be in both good and bad ways. This interview seemed rather positive, at least compared to the last one from this guy. 07-07-12 16:12:52 __________________________________________________ | |
SoBanned ::: Favorites I do wonder what his libertarian principles would mean toward government programs such as MedicAid. It's really a vital healthcare program for the poor and especially the elderly. How does he feel about Social Security? Another benefit for the elderly. And you are right. I do have a good feeling about him. I want to be sure i understand the man, and everything he stands for, before I decide to vote for him. 07-07-12 09:57:35 __________________________________________________ | |
SoBanned ::: Favorites I am not concerned whether he belongs to Republican or Democrat. I am concerned about what he would promote to this country if he were to win the Presidency. I am for an end to the Iraq war. I am for the end to an U.S. influence in the Middle East. Get Dick Cheney's dick out of that oil. Get George Bush Sr and Jr out of that oil. Stop putting pro-US dictatorships in power. Let the people of the Middle East decide what they want. 07-07-12 09:47:24 __________________________________________________ | |
ScoundrelLB ::: Favorites This particular interview notwithstanding, I find Tucker Carlson to be anything BUT "good" and "unbiased" in his reporting . Even with his family connections and prep school looks, I'm surprised he's still on the air. Elitist, small-minded, self-serving, soulless...kind of like a younger version of G.W.Bush, before he was made the puppet prez by his neocon elders, with the only difference being that Tucker can pronounce 'nuclear'. 07-07-12 08:22:55 __________________________________________________ | |
Sigkim ::: Favorites Cspanjunkie, I'm so glad I subscribed to your channel and your bulletins are great. I missed this one today so thanks for the alerts. Tucker may be treating Ron Paul fairly but MSNBC has pulled some shinanigans on their web site concerning Ron Paul...as well as the other MS news web sites. Tuckers been commenting on Paul for a few days now and it is great too see. The more support the good doctor has, the more they will cover him(in theory). Thanks again Cspanjunkie for the bulletin:) Sig 07-07-12 06:24:26 __________________________________________________ | |
leepakim ::: Favorites good interviewer much better than this strange ABC guy the other day. BTW: if you - the US citizens - dont want to get chipped with RFID you have to vote for Ron Paul or else you will be running around like chipped dogs. SO VOTE RON PAUL. 07-07-12 02:19:51 __________________________________________________ | |
bsullivan2 ::: Favorites tucker means well. i think he just needs a little more mentoring from Dr. Paul ;) 07-07-12 01:36:39 __________________________________________________ | |
sillypeople5 ::: Favorites I am going to start watching Tucker a bit more because he isnt pulling smear dirty tricks other reporters are using. I think it is a good idea to reward good unbiased reporting by becomming a viewer of these types of reporters and NOT reporters like O'reilly (I wont watch him even if he talks about or has Ron Paul on) 07-07-12 01:24:33 __________________________________________________ | |
mmmparsley ::: Favorites Very Fair Interview again. MSNBC is seemingly the real Mccoy when it comes to being "fair and balanced". 07-07-12 00:52:44 __________________________________________________ | |
dalethefarmer ::: Favorites GO RON PAUL! For real. 07-07-12 00:51:57 __________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 05:15 minutes Upload Time: 07-03-15 09:05:41 User: CSPANJUNKIEdotORG :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: MARCH 14, 2007 MSNBC *TUCKER* |
Comments | |
thedave108 ::: Favorites Rudy illegally ordered the 911 crime scene to be destroyed and evidence shipped off to China. Criminal behaviour. He is a creep and a big part of the nwo war machine and criminal conspiracy. (You do know about that, right)? 07-09-12 18:33:46 __________________________________________________ | |
freemeamg ::: Favorites Every 911 rescue worker needs to be involved with the 911 truth movement. 07-09-10 20:34:43 __________________________________________________ | |
mickeysears ::: Favorites Since when does a senior fellow at the CFR come to the defence of a candidate if he does not represent that organization. This alone should reveal his true caracter and where his loyalties lie. 07-09-09 03:51:03 __________________________________________________ | |
HarryEtTubMan ::: Favorites obama is the same thing!!!! omgggg 07-09-08 19:27:17 __________________________________________________ | |
EarstoWall ::: Favorites These people act like Rudy caused 9/11!!! He was the mayor of NYC not the ruler and the radios still don't work. Is Rudy to blame for that, too. Or is Bloomberg? These people just want their senator, Hillary Clinton to be president... 07-09-05 04:36:38 __________________________________________________ | |
intelin123 ::: Favorites right.. how come that little bitch.. was walking around with a mask on his fucking face... i did not get one when i got activated from the national guard.. now i got shit stock in my lungs.. motherfucker jewliani.. 07-08-20 09:56:20 __________________________________________________ | |
Alphamale69 ::: Favorites He lies about having spent 600 hours at ground zero, when the actual time is more like 60!! He did nothing but walk around with a mask over his face because he knew the danger of breathing the air...too bad he didn't encourage others about the health hazards! 07-08-19 12:24:18 __________________________________________________ | |
atlibent ::: Favorites agree 07-08-19 00:00:29 __________________________________________________ | |
intelin123 ::: Favorites fuck rudy jewliani 07-08-12 05:48:00 __________________________________________________ | |
22cmonkey22 ::: Favorites See the TRUTH. Watch "ZEITGEIST" at google. (u gotta watch it all) Spread the word! 07-08-08 14:33:08 __________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 07:54 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-03 21:41:21 User: CSPANJUNKIEdotORG :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: AUGUST 03, 2007 KEITH OLBERMANN |
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evilrichwhiteguy ::: Favorites The thought of that bull dyke Rachel Maddow going down on other women is just........disturbing. 07-08-29 11:00:34 __________________________________________________ | |
aisha6dreamz ::: Favorites Online dating at its best WEBFLINGTODAY dot COM 07-08-28 18:51:55 __________________________________________________ | |
freedomfairy15 ::: Favorites Ron Paul 2008! 07-08-26 13:44:03 __________________________________________________ | |
PuddleJumper1214 ::: Favorites darn war profiteers 07-08-19 23:54:12 __________________________________________________ | |
plzhelpj ::: Favorites If you want the federal gov't to make all of the tough decisions for you instead of you participating at the local level then yes, you are lazy. 07-08-05 13:22:38 __________________________________________________ | |
plzhelpj ::: Favorites I was going to apologize because this comment made me realize that you put republican in "" marks, but after reading your other comments I'm not even sure what you meant by that. If you feel neglected that federal government doesn't to tell you how to run your life and tell you what needs to be taught in schools, then you are a dependent idiot; just like since I was born in America I am an American. 07-08-05 13:22:15 __________________________________________________ | |
Ovalshine ::: Favorites As I said... wait, I erased that part. I wasn't trying to diminish your thoughts on Bush. He is a disgrace. To me, though, the title of disgrace has more names to it. 07-08-05 00:35:14 __________________________________________________ | |
ginerlynn ::: Favorites Bush has invoked executive privilege for matters not remotely connected to national security,over-stepped the power intended to be held by any Prez,repeatedly defied Congressional oversight,stood by both a lying AG and a VP who claims he is not even part of the Executive branch. Even if you take Iraq out of the equation,he is a disgrace. Most ppl want him impeached,primarily to set the crucial precedent of not tolerating rampant unchecked power again. 07-08-05 00:23:40 __________________________________________________ | |
Suz45 ::: Favorites Iraq is a disaster. Congress got bullshitted into it by a President who either lied or ignored his own intel,and nothing Bush can say changes that fact. He continues to defy oversight,usurp the Constitution and use Gonzo to block reprisal. Does not take a rocket scientist or a Dem or a Repub to see what is going on. Too bad all of them have a personal political agenda or Bush and Cheney would be facing impeachment. 07-08-05 00:06:23 __________________________________________________ | |
Ovalshine ::: Favorites Probably best. I'm ill prepared anyways for such a debate. What Bush did was basic Politics 101. Using tragedies for make yourself look better than your political enemies. Bush used it to attack Dems. Dems used it to attack Bush and the war in Iraq. Everything that goes wrong, Dems will find a way to link Iraq to it for the sake of attacking Bush. You're right in your disgust in Bush, but the brush needs to be quite wider. 07-08-04 23:18:37 __________________________________________________ |