Tuesday, August 7, 2007
noche hache pàulina rubio panista entusiasta de fecal, 2006
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Duration: 318 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-13 10:51:13 User: kyvids :::: Favorites |
2006 Bajar con http://keepvid.com/ Descárgate los vídeos ahora, no esperes a que desaparezcan La tele solo la ven los pobres porq no pueden hacer otra cosa" Paulina Rubio felipe calderón fecal devuélvenos Monitor |
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thagus ::: Favorites "Lo que querian era desequilibrar al pais" jajaj qu eno fue lo que dijo diaz ordaz antes de mandar matar a los estudiantes en el 68. Paulina como buena niña boba que no tiene cultura va y dice pendejada y media como que "no saben perder" pendeja, las pruebas del fraude ahi estan y si alguien pelea por el interes de las mayorias, ese es AMLO. Lo unico cierto que dijo, es que no sabe de politica (¿a poco?, ni cuenta nos dimos) 07-08-03 23:13:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
thagus ::: Favorites y tambien es falso que ella "represente" a una generacion de mexicanos, ella representa a un grupito clasista y acomodado, no a los mexicanos. ella ni vive aqui, esta mas a gusto en Miami o en España. 07-08-03 23:14:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
thagus ::: Favorites huy el reforma que fuente tan confiable mi chavo. Obviamente no tienes ni las nociones mas basicas de estadisticas, verdad? A ver tratare de ponertelo de manera que hasta tu lo comprendas. IMagina que hago 500 encuestas con la pregunta ¿Que opina usted de AMLO? pero las hago afuera de las iglesisas de Zapopan Jalisco, ¿que crees que me respondan? Ahora imagina que las hago aen Coyoacan. ¿Que crees que me respondan? 07-08-03 23:17:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
thagus ::: Favorites Eso se llama sesgar el resultado. El reforma no tiene la etica de aclarar que sus encuestas NO SON REPRESENTATIVA de lo qeu el pais piensa sin mas bien de lo que piensasn sus lectores (de por si panistas) y una muy selecta cantida de gente que tiene accesoa un telefono. Sus encuestas son tan validas como un billete de 3 pesos. 07-08-03 23:20:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
thagus ::: Favorites Como te explico? el movimiento de AMLO ya tiene mas de un millon de afiliados, CREO que ya son mas que los afiliados al PAN a nivel nacional. ya quisiera fecal tener el 10% de seguidores que AMLO 07-08-03 23:20:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
chidoalexis ::: Favorites PINCHE RUBIA PENDEJA 07-08-04 02:21:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
chidoalexis ::: Favorites PUTRINA ESPURIO 07-08-04 02:26:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
chidoalexis ::: Favorites ARRIBA LA IZQUIERDA=PRD 07-08-04 02:28:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
Malooon ::: Favorites Que se puede esperar de alguien que dice "Calentación del mundo".. Naca no digas que representas a una generación porque sabes que por lo menos el 80% de la gente de "tú México" te odia y lo sabes al no llenar ni un Auditorio Nacional (con precios super bajos) y al ser abucheada siempre que te presentas en foros abiertos.. La verdad es tan triste que cualquier iletrado de 2 pesos tenga "fama" y un micrófono para decir estupideces!!.. Y mira que soy de "tú generación".. JAJA!! 07-08-04 12:57:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
kyvids ::: Favorites Colombia paramilitar, México dictadura fecal youtube. com/watch?v=60guRLyUDtE 07-08-05 17:38:58 _____________________________________________________ |
Laughing Liberally's Katie Halper in DC
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Duration: 439 seconds Upload Time: 07-01-14 23:48:02 User: Politicstv :::: Favorites |
Laughing Liberally's Katie Halper performs at the YP4 conference in DC. |
Rudy On His Health Care Initiative Giuliani Uncensored
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Duration: 305 seconds Upload Time: 07-08-03 18:16:29 User: SergioMomarsh :::: Favorites |
Rudy announceds his health care initiative in New Hampshire (exactly like the video on Rudy's YouTube, however I won't censor the comments. |
"This is what we have done to Iraq"
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Duration: 235 seconds Upload Time: 07-05-14 22:15:13 User: Politicstv :::: Favorites |
(This is a clip from Rosen's speech before the New America Foundation the day after his article was the cover story of the New York Times magazine on Sunday, May 13, 2007) From NewAmerica.net: While the public gaze is fixated on the reasons for and success of the Iraq war, few policy analysts, commentators, and journalists are paying attention to the largest refugee problem in the Middle East since 1948. New America Foundation Fellow Nir Rosen-internationally recognized for his groundbreaking journalism on Iraq since the beginning of the war in April of 2003—will present his piece titled "The Flight from Iraq" which is the cover story in the Sunday, May 13, 2007 edition of the New York Times magazine. The figures are startling—nearly 2 million Iraqis have fled Iraq for neighboring countries and another 1.9 million Iraqis have been internally displaced amounting to roughly 15% of the Iraqi population abandoning their homes. Meanwhile, since 2003, the United States has only allowed in 466 Iraqis. Compounding the damage to Iraq, the greater issue of concern is the destabilizing effects this will have on Iraq's neighbors who have absorbed both the refuges and the political and economic baggage that accompany them. This all leads Rosen to contend that the spillover from the Iraq war has already transformed the Iraq War into a regional conflict. |
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chrisinmainz ::: Favorites The truth hurts... 07-05-15 14:11:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
sassygirl345 ::: Favorites im beginning to wonder, was this civil conflict the plan all along?? the people in the US Govt had to have thought about this happening after we invaded, right?? 07-05-23 21:42:29 _____________________________________________________ |
Lamont on Lieberman
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Duration: 49 seconds Upload Time: 06-10-06 21:15:00 User: Politicstv :::: Favorites |
From a Feb. '06 PoliticsTV interview |
Buy Yourself a Mustache Now!
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Duration: 239 seconds Upload Time: 06-07-23 00:33:33 User: jklproduction :::: Favorites |
Have you always wanted a mustache? WELL NOW WE HAVE AN AMAZING SOLUTION! www.myspace.com/jklproductions |
Comments | |
mnv24x0x ::: Favorites when jon says in this video that his parents cant afford a house u kno hes sitting in his house lol. 07-07-03 18:03:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
ashleighhlovexx ::: Favorites the tape monster is a bit scary haha "BUT YOU CAN STILL DANCE!!!" 07-07-09 21:26:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
oliveyarn ::: Favorites im not taking those! look at the side affects! but i love tape already 07-07-10 20:23:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
sockonyourhead ::: Favorites but i already stick tape to everything... hahaha great video. :] 07-07-13 19:24:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
sogeppy ::: Favorites on the time 2:45 the basket ball hoop in the back round with the balls on it looks like a duck its so cool. 07-07-18 14:01:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
jklprofan ::: Favorites Awesome- Mustache pills! lol 07-07-31 13:47:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
MusicCrazy2452 ::: Favorites "I guess I'll just get into my newspapers and go to sleep" "If you use these pills, you are not allowed to go outside; play with your friends; blow your nose into kleenex's; eat dinner on a daily basis; or walk your dog. But you can still dance!" Ok I love the dancing in this one. xD In the credits: Make-up: Unknown xD 07-08-01 17:35:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
DaQueen94 ::: Favorites ahahahahhaa use guys r the best 07-08-03 22:02:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
ccoens ::: Favorites but you can still dance! aha. niiice. i loved this one. 07-08-05 16:55:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
madllin ::: Favorites ahhaha lol......jon looks funny with the tape all over his face:) 07-08-06 01:22:09 _____________________________________________________ |
2005 Gatorade Dual Johnson Harvick Rusty Hard Crash
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Duration: 135 seconds Upload Time: 06-08-05 00:05:07 User: wwetnaecw :::: Favorites |
2005 Gatorade Dual Johnson Harvick Rusty Hard Crash |
Comments | |
TPM75108 ::: Favorites Somebody should wreck him more lol 07-06-12 00:19:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
TPM75108 ::: Favorites Well in Jimmie's own famous words when it's his fault "It's only racing." I think if that's the way Jimmie believes than that's the way he should act when he's on the receiving end. 07-06-12 00:22:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
HendrickMotorsports1 ::: Favorites Hmmm, Hendrick Motorsports has absolutly owned in nascar this year, this was Harvicks fault not Jimmie. I Guess you trully suck when you have 76 wins, 4 championships, and 29 wins 1 championship. And i guess they suck more since theyve won 10 of the last 15 races, including ALL but ONE COT race.. yes they suck indeed. NOt to mention DALE JR NEXT YEAR. Proves DEI and Hendricks are not even in the same league. 07-06-18 00:37:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
poptartjr8 ::: Favorites So what, about 6 big ones caused by !@#$% Johnson at plate tracks now? He needs to learn people don't move out of your way just because your a champion. 07-06-18 21:28:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
dangitHAMM ::: Favorites i guess that the person who uploaded this is illeterate. "Gatorade DUAL"??? try Duel, you inbred fucking hillbilly 07-06-28 06:32:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
AJReynolds ::: Favorites Alright smart guy. Learn to spell 'illererate' before being an ass about someone else's spelling. 07-07-03 12:31:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
Mark13512 ::: Favorites Speeling and grammer FTW. 07-07-03 12:32:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
AJReynolds ::: Favorites Well that was silly. 'Illeterate' 07-07-03 12:49:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
SethGroover ::: Favorites Man I remember that day like it was yesterday. I was hoping rusty would get a good finish it being his last year racing. I miss Rusty That #2 charger was a classic 07-07-27 16:47:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
yowaso13 ::: Favorites Nemecheck and harvick fought in the all-star later that year 07-08-06 14:59:10 _____________________________________________________ |
Randomness Episode 2
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Duration: 597 seconds Upload Time: 06-08-09 00:24:52 User: visiblemode :::: Favorites |
Seriously...I am a retard. Edit- Music credit oversight: The Smiths - How Soon Is Now? |
Comments | |
Sailormoon101 ::: Favorites lol 06-08-20 14:58:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
itzadreamer ::: Favorites I agree I loe the vintage footage though I will say the piano music was definitely cool. I mean back in the old days there would be someone on a piano playing music for silent films 06-09-20 18:29:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
chedsorr ::: Favorites omgomgomg, i just went into a fit of laghter at the end of this video lolol your now my favourute youtuber now lol please keep the brilliance lol 06-10-08 19:14:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
kimberleigh ::: Favorites Your family history is amazing. And here I thought it was cool that my grandfather invented paper clips. No he didn't. I got nothin'. 06-12-01 22:32:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
skooterx ::: Favorites Loved the family video. It is amazing how your were able to restore it. You must be proud to have such a rich family history in video blogging. 07-01-15 10:50:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
prplpnguin ::: Favorites hahaha i love how you snapped your fingers and the music started XD 07-03-03 22:13:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
muempire ::: Favorites this was great...well done! 07-03-11 01:12:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
Tortugokamikaze ::: Favorites hi, im new to your videos, but im seeing them all, tehy're quite funny XDDD i have suscribed of course 07-03-16 10:29:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
BON51 ::: Favorites Huh? 07-03-28 20:47:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
fukinelcski ::: Favorites hahahaha, i love the story line, how do you keep on chatting so much shit? lmao 07-04-05 15:49:02 _____________________________________________________ |
Tom Tomorrow of "This Modern World" @ Yearly Kos
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Duration: 689 seconds Upload Time: 06-10-05 13:33:03 User: Politicstv :::: Favorites |
Comedian Tom Tomorrow spoke at the opening night of Yearly Kos in Las Vegas, NV on June 8, 2006 |
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lbnermhywqws ::: Favorites see how a hot chick loses a bet and has to strip in front of her classmates <b>(_stripAss.com_)<b> 07-07-17 12:21:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
xviylonfjq ::: Favorites hmmm... not very interesting... much better the hot chicks from <b>LikeHerAss.com_<b> 07-07-19 12:03:50 _____________________________________________________ |
Crashing the Gate book tour
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Duration: 175 seconds Upload Time: 06-04-03 14:25:46 User: Politicstv :::: Favorites |
Exclusive coverage from the Crashing the Gate book tour. |
Comments | |
RoddyYoung ::: Favorites When I find a good collection of videos I like to track back to the very first on. I have found this a year on and not one comment with 205 Views. I find this interesting so I wanted to make a mark in the stand to say that more and more people will come in the front end of this collection because of the election 2008 and then filter down to this video. I hope they also say hi. 07-03-30 20:16:55 _____________________________________________________ |
Juan Martín Maldacena teoría de cuerdas (1/3)
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Duration: 599 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-04 01:26:57 User: kyvids :::: Favorites |
02/07/07 Bajar con http://keepvid.com/ Descárgate los vídeos ahora, no esperes a que desaparezcan Juan Martín Maldacena Juan Maldacena en Harvard Juan Martín Maldacena (n. el 10 de septiembre de 1968 en Buenos Aires) es un físico teórico argentino. Entre sus muchos descubrimientos, el más famoso es la más realista realización del principio holográfico (holographic principle), llamado la correspondencia AdS/CFT (w:en:AdS/CFT), la exitosamente probada conjetura sobre la equivalencia de la teoría de las cuerdas, o supergravedad en el espacio Anti de Sitter (w:en:Anti de Sitter space), y la teoría conformal de campos (w:en:conformal field theory) definida en el límite del espacio AdS, conocida como "conjetura Maldacena". Teoría de cuerdas ¿Como son las interacciones en el mundo sub-atómico?: lineas espacio-tiempo como las partículas subatómicas en el Modelo estándar (izq.) o Cuerda cerrada sin extremos y en forma de círculo como afírma la teoría de cuerdas (der.) ¿Como son las interacciones en el mundo sub-atómico?: lineas espacio-tiempo como las partículas subatómicas en el Modelo estándar (izq.) o Cuerda cerrada sin extremos y en forma de círculo como afírma la teoría de cuerdas (der.) La Teoría de cuerdas es un modelo fundamental de la fisica que basicamente afirma que todos los bloques de materia son en realidad expresiones de un objeto basico unidimensional extendido llamado "cuerda". Un electrón, por ejemplo, en la mecánica cuántica clásica es un "punto" sin estructura interna y de dimensión cero. Un punto no puede hacer nada más que moverse en un espacio tridimensional. De acuerdo con esta teoría a nivel "microscópico" se percibiría que el electrón no es en realidad un punto, sino una cuerda en forma de lazo . Una cuerda puede hacer algo además de moverse, puede oscilar de diferentes maneras. Si oscila de cierta manera, entonces, macroscópicamente veríamos un electrón; pero si oscila de otra manera, entonces veríamos un fotón, o un quark, o cualquier otra partícula del modelo estándar. Esta teoría, ampliada con otras como la de las supercuerdas o las Teoría M pretenden alejarse de la concepción del punto-partícula. Actualmente, la teoría de cuerdas es la candidata más prometedora para tener una teoría unificada o Teoría del todo , es decir, una teoría capaz de describir todos los fenómenos ocurridos en la naturaleza debido a las cuatro fuerzas fundamentales: la fuerza gravitacional, la fuerza electromagnética y las fuerzas de interacción fuerte y débil. Juan Martín Maldacena (born September 10, 1968) is a theoretical physicist born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Among his many discoveries, the most famous one is the most reliable realization of the holographic principle - namely the AdS/CFT correspondence, the successfully tested conjecture about the equivalence of string theory or supergravity on Anti de Sitter (AdS) space, and a conformal field theory defined on the boundary of the AdS space. professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey. |
Comments | |
jupiterjjrm ::: Favorites Muchisimas gracias por este video. Vivo en el extranjero y mayormente sigo estos programas por el YouTube. Hoy dia hay muchos cientificos con una sensibilidad "estetica", y ademas con mucha cultura general. 07-07-07 14:52:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
jupiterjjrm ::: Favorites Van a venir muchos cambios en nuestra concepcion de la vida y del Universo, y no con espiritu de diseccion sino con reconocimiento de que somos parte de la vida y estamos conectados al Universo, que somos parte del Todo. Mas asequibles a audiencias generales serian los descubrimientos del Premio Nobel de Fisica J.C. Bose sobre plantas, tal vez menos conocidos a los fisicos especialistas. En esta linea habra muchas sorpresas en el siglo XXI, algunas en cuanto a salud humana. 07-07-07 14:54:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
palizada ::: Favorites yo no entiendo mucho de esto, pero ...¿qué sucede con el teorema de goedel? con esa idea de que ningún sistema (o sea: teoría de cuerdas) puede ser a la vez completo y consistente? ¿qué opinan? 07-07-26 03:47:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
amigayina ::: Favorites GRACIAS POR SUBIRLO 07-08-03 13:07:25 _____________________________________________________ |
Rocking Scooter Baby Gets A Lego The Hard Way
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Duration: 93 seconds Upload Time: 06-09-21 15:55:31 User: SergioMomarsh :::: Favorites |
My six month old learned that he had mobility even though he was confined to a scooter chair! Just like all those old people, he sure gets around! |
Comments | |
my15minutes ::: Favorites Go baby go! :D 06-09-21 20:52:34 _____________________________________________________ |
换换爱-第八集 (8 of 8)
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Duration: 437 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-22 18:34:25 User: icefishyuna :::: Favorites |
换换爱-第八集 (8 of 8) |
Comments | |
I3pucca ::: Favorites Arigatoo 07-07-22 18:46:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
j2FaN4ever2 ::: Favorites tsk 07-07-22 18:50:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
jactweetybi ::: Favorites love the behind the scene on the staircase part...... thanks again for the fast uploads :D 07-07-22 19:58:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
cutiegcmoon ::: Favorites thx so much 07-07-22 20:57:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
woohooo89 ::: Favorites is this e last part for this episode?how come the show doesnt seem like it ended?but thanks anw for uploading sooo fast!heeee. 07-07-23 02:03:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
Heyip20 ::: Favorites thanx for da upload....luv this series 07-07-23 05:28:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
brid82 ::: Favorites hi! can i just ask how come ur episode 8 doesn't seem to be the same as others' episode 8? is it the same episode airing in taiwan now? thanks! 07-07-23 06:47:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
icefishyuna ::: Favorites 你好 是一樣的 =] 07-07-23 09:19:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
xonosyxo ::: Favorites thanks for upload 07-07-23 13:20:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
hottigurlz ::: Favorites hey please subtitles the movie(why why love).... 07-07-23 23:16:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
Winnie26391 ::: Favorites I know that she plays in a new movie names Fresh Tomato For Sauce 07-08-02 19:33:41 _____________________________________________________ |
Can't take my eyes off of you en Guitarra!!!!
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Duration: 50 seconds Upload Time: 07-01-10 01:28:13 User: Fabrimon :::: Favorites |
para mi amor =) (cual) Can't take my eyes off of you |
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petush ::: Favorites jajaja, QUE VAAA!!!! UN BESOTOTE!!!! gracias por la song :P aunque no sea pa mi, jajaja pero la sacaste 07-01-10 03:51:41 _____________________________________________________ |
FVM 1-1 Propagandhi
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Duration: 338 seconds Upload Time: 06-08-02 23:49:41 User: FeedbackVideoMag :::: Favorites |
Feedback Video Magazine presents Propaganhi. |
Comments | |
asprocketrocket ::: Favorites Murals on west broadway finally fade, and we wave goodbye to your sad childish refrain. Exchanged for other stupid lullabyes like 'you can have my guns when you pry them from my cold dead hands." 06-08-30 10:47:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
heavy411 ::: Favorites Best Band fuckin ever bro!!! No sellouts No compromize 06-08-30 22:51:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
FlatlineConstruct ::: Favorites learn to spell. propaganhi?! 06-09-04 05:58:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
mickthemaddy ::: Favorites do you not think it might have been a typo you absolute cock! 06-10-05 16:55:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
Savagejon ::: Favorites Hahaha, what a dick. Lush video. 06-11-11 08:43:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
Dudemag ::: Favorites Absolut Cock is my favorite vodka 06-12-28 17:56:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
ridethe113 ::: Favorites haha mine too! goes down smooth... 07-02-22 07:38:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
jimmyforce ::: Favorites dio shirt? short hair... slightly confused 07-06-13 05:28:57 _____________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 85 seconds Upload Time: 07-03-15 02:05:58 User: btdrln :::: Favorites |
070314-三立-吳尊出席輕熟女派對 |
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AigiC ::: Favorites lololol.... Wu Zun's mando is still getting him in trouble =P thank god the context corrected the misunderstanding of what he said - He wanted to say cruise(boat) but ended up saying bed instead. Good thing everone knows his mando can go off key at times... ^_^; 07-03-15 17:45:01 _____________________________________________________ |
Hudspeth Flips at Atlanta
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Duration: 142 seconds Upload Time: 06-08-18 16:18:58 User: wwetnaecw :::: Favorites |
credit to tbk.fameflame.dk Hudspeth Flips at Atlanta |
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jordanarm08 ::: Favorites it kept rollin in the same spot. 07-05-10 16:46:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
Brando997 ::: Favorites RIP Blaise Alexander (His Car Was Shown Hitting The Wall On The Onboard View at the end.) 07-05-16 13:59:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
astatslpvids ::: Favorites It's Atlanta before they reconfigured the track. I think it was about '97 when they redid it to the way it is now. 07-05-17 21:34:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
Johnny8242 ::: Favorites Blaise Alexander was not in this crash. Hudspeth does loose his arm in this accident 07-05-18 19:46:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
Johnny8242 ::: Favorites I meant hand sorry! 07-05-18 19:46:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
JunBugJP3 ::: Favorites yes he was benny even says it is him onboard at the end of the crash, LISTEN!!! 07-05-23 20:58:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
JT2309 ::: Favorites your a moron he died in 2001 at charlotte in a wreck with kerry earnhardt 07-07-09 15:27:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
Biggs316 ::: Favorites If you google Mickey Hudspeth it turns up stuff about wood working. Kinda ironic. 07-07-14 17:04:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
floydfanTN ::: Favorites Despite loosinghis Hand,I've heard that Hudspeth still races. 07-07-19 11:51:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
BengtsonJ ::: Favorites Arseholes Racing Crashed Automobiles!, this is the breeding ground more drivers just wanting TV, a decent crash is all that is needed! 07-07-30 06:33:35 _____________________________________________________ |
Robbie Fowler's Classic Sniff
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Duration: 59 seconds Upload Time: 06-11-06 01:42:34 User: thebearwentoverthe :::: Favorites |
Robbie Fowler's infamous goal celebration! |
Comments | |
Pokkezooi1969 ::: Favorites hahaha 07-07-04 16:28:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
caldwell5128 ::: Favorites robbie rocks!!! 07-07-04 18:13:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
Scottmachin ::: Favorites That's what it's about. Fans often give it out, but they can't fuckin take it when the players give it back. Like Cantona at Palace. I'm not even a Liverpool fan. 07-07-05 14:56:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
pepgodila ::: Favorites fuck everton!!!! 07-07-09 02:41:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
superkattylennon ::: Favorites Wow!!!! Well Done Robbie. 07-07-11 23:40:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
jamiebtn99 ::: Favorites your a genius robbie! 07-07-22 18:48:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
Maxpower13 ::: Favorites what a legend showing the blue shite whos boss. 07-07-26 09:10:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
violator9696 ::: Favorites I took my nephew to that one! In the everton end..........They went mental! 07-07-28 09:14:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
Schmiddelfeld ::: Favorites GOOD GOD Always a RED 07-08-01 17:41:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
xWillBeEndx ::: Favorites Fowler, McManaman, Owen... what a triplet! 07-08-02 05:37:44 _____________________________________________________ |
TPMtv: Yearly Kos Chapter 13
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Duration: 188 seconds Upload Time: 07-08-04 17:56:22 User: Veracifier :::: Favorites |
Andrea Batista Schlesinger Interview at YearlyKos |
Comments | |
josiahdallas ::: Favorites boooooooorrriiiiiing 07-08-04 18:23:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
rlh68 ::: Favorites Good to know 07-08-04 18:53:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
veronicatheviking ::: Favorites Wow, the EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR of a THINK TANK. That's what the world needs now to save us from fascism, famine, and fear: MORE POSITION PAPERS. With footnotes. And documented sources. Just remember to use a 12 Arial font for those position papers--if you use Times New Roman, the fascists win. Fabulous spectacles, tho'. 07-08-05 04:02:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
moultar ::: Favorites More people have been killed by economists than by bullets. Think tanks are powerful. 07-08-05 20:45:43 _____________________________________________________ |