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Duration: 05:45 minutes Upload Time: 06-09-15 22:27:37 User: xxektinatorxx :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: this is my first AMV! hope you guys like! worked hard on it! =) |
Comments | |
CaptainCourtney ::: Favorites Good work! =) i love it!! 07-08-16 10:43:12 __________________________________________________ | |
Maple2009 ::: Favorites I love sousukes part! 07-07-25 13:23:41 __________________________________________________ | |
dogglock08 ::: Favorites astig pre... 07-07-19 18:25:22 __________________________________________________ | |
3153dee ::: Favorites Yo Ima GastER! YO YO! Bark with me! lmfao! xD 07-06-23 23:05:19 __________________________________________________ | |
DaRawwrr ::: Favorites kool 07-06-17 02:02:31 __________________________________________________ | |
jonasbrothersfan61 ::: Favorites SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 07-06-14 12:06:22 __________________________________________________ | |
ElCapAddict ::: Favorites PLEASE DON'T READ THIS. You will get kissed on the nearest possible Friday by the love of your life. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. However, if you don't post this comment to at least 3 videos, you will die within 2 days. Copy and paste this, to be saved. 07-03-21 13:00:27 __________________________________________________ | |
isamar4 ::: Favorites wow...i liked it a lot...5/5 ^^ 07-03-15 20:50:50 __________________________________________________ | |
namichan91 ::: Favorites I liked the vid. I like the credits too. xD bark. 06-12-07 22:30:13 __________________________________________________ | |
KitsunexXxTenma ::: Favorites I think I'll watch Full Metal Panic now x3 lol it looks kool ^^ thanx 06-11-18 19:31:42 __________________________________________________ |
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Full Metal Panic AMV- I'm Bossy (Kelis)
Avenged Sevenfold Interview- KERRANG!
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Duration: 07:15 minutes Upload Time: 06-08-21 17:07:13 User: samisafox :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Synyster Gates and Zacky Vengeance & a live performance of Unholy Confessions |
Comments | |
TheRevolutionite ::: Favorites Hahaahahahaahaha 07-09-30 03:13:54 __________________________________________________ | |
cantstopmesuperman ::: Favorites whoever did the soundcheck is a monkey 07-09-23 17:00:00 __________________________________________________ | |
SweepCreep ::: Favorites it really pisses me off that when they play the open riff its just the bass and they left out the guitars! thats like the best part of the song and it got RUINED! arrrrrg.!!!! =( 07-09-22 16:36:06 __________________________________________________ | |
jabez36 ::: Favorites the rev rox he drums so calmly like its nothing!!!!!! 07-09-21 06:49:00 __________________________________________________ | |
WoWawewa6 ::: Favorites Haha Shadow looks so gay at 3:43 LOL 07-09-05 15:49:13 __________________________________________________ | |
suksaz ::: Favorites i lyk zacky wen he play e guitar at 2:50..so cute!!e way he nods his head makes me wanna hug him!!!!!!!!! 07-09-05 03:07:25 __________________________________________________ | |
eat1scenewhores ::: Favorites am i alone when i say im sic of stupid fuckwits sayin shit like zacky is soo hot.. his hair looks real good? fuck off scenesters.. i cant wait til this shit isnt "cool" anymore and yu all fuck off to the next big thing.. 07-09-05 00:22:38 __________________________________________________ | |
larzhoban ::: Favorites yeah there bass sounds really bad at all the downloads 07-09-04 18:03:28 __________________________________________________ | |
eric8erjunk ::: Favorites i like robert gates he is the best guitarist ever, and timmy vengeance is good too 07-09-04 17:06:34 __________________________________________________ | |
Reflections16 ::: Favorites well avenged sevenfold 500 about 10 comments down...if they are in england i dont think that saying fuck england we dont support them i think they would lose some fans and start a riot 07-09-03 15:37:46 __________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 02:04 minutes Upload Time: 06-08-12 03:44:58 User: ibizavideos :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Comments | |
cesar2333 ::: Favorites Y vos aweonao por los palos, me teni' chato con tus weas de comentarios. Mejor metetelos en la raja!!!!! Pinocho nunca fue presidente constitucional de Chile, nunca fue elegido, fue un asesino mas en la historia de chile. Y un Dictador de mierda. Aweonao!!! 07-10-03 01:47:41 __________________________________________________ | |
profetawilliams ::: Favorites me tienen chato con este viejo culiao!!! en la u pelan el cable con este loko y el "che" y weas raras y son los culiaos mas flojos, curaos y marihuaneros...los culiaos por cualquier wea salen a tirar piedras contra los pakos y el weon que se le cruze por delante..... hombre!!! estamos en el 2007 !!! despailen. 07-09-30 23:22:17 __________________________________________________ | |
profetawilliams ::: Favorites ya....yyyyyyyyyyy......aquien le importa......mejor es el video de wena naty!!!! 07-09-30 23:10:20 __________________________________________________ | |
josechky ::: Favorites Son miles las calles y plazas Salvador Allende en el Mundo ¿Cuantas calles se llaman Augusto Pinochet en el mundo? :: abacq ∙ org / calle :: A quien se le ha ovacionado por tantos minutos como a Allende en un discurso en la ONU (1972)? Puede ser que a Pinochet? abacq (punto) org (slash) calle 07-09-30 03:17:45 __________________________________________________ | |
rscerda ::: Favorites Saben a mi me gusta mucho leer: he leído a marx, lennin, pinochet, friedman, y libros como ghandhi y varios más. PERO CREO QUE EN EL NO FANATIZARSE POR UNA IDEOLOGÍA O PENSAMIENTO ESTÁ EL PUNTO Y PONER LA MENTE DE CADA UNO DE NOSOTROS EN RACIONALIZAR. Ahora siempre mantengo como filosofía de vida lo que decían los romanos: "HECHOS Y NO PALABRAS ANTE EL PUEBLO". 07-09-29 21:05:45 __________________________________________________ | |
arnacles ::: Favorites Y ultimo no se de que hablas si lo que yo estoy haciendo es contra argumentar a rscerda, no apoyarlo, por ende lo que estoy haciendo es habalr del lado negativo que trajo la dictadura de pinochet. 07-09-29 20:13:14 __________________________________________________ | |
arnacles ::: Favorites 2- Marx nunca habla de comunismo como una utopia, fue la guerra fria lo que demostro que el comunismo fracasa. 3- existe el de mao, el que ese mismo fue basado por la influencia de la URSS, y esta a su vez, insipirada en "El capital". En todo caso china hoy en dia es todo menos comunismo. 07-09-29 20:09:08 __________________________________________________ | |
arnacles ::: Favorites 1- todo lo aprendi de "El capital" libro de marx donde se refiere a como emplear el comunismo en sus diferentes etapas (Prediccion de marx tras la revolucion industrial en inglaterra donde el proletariado se revelaria por injusticias) 07-09-29 20:06:29 __________________________________________________ | |
energvmeno ::: Favorites LIBRE DE MERCADO A QUE COSTO?? donde gana chile por el tratado con gringolandia?? que es lo que pasa en cuba? 07-09-29 19:41:42 __________________________________________________ | |
energvmeno ::: Favorites existen otro comunismo el comunismo de mao por si no lo sabes CHINA 07-09-29 19:40:09 __________________________________________________ |
The Adventure---Angels and Airwaves cover
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Duration: 05:44 minutes Upload Time: 06-08-14 18:15:41 User: vansfreek :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: me playing The Adventure by Angels and Airwaves. I re-did this video cuz my last one sucked. |
Comments | |
ZEEKtheSMURF ::: Favorites o rele...mmm i guess when i watched AVA live i didn't pick up on that thanks... 07-09-23 16:29:04 __________________________________________________ | |
capiitanKrunCh12 ::: Favorites nah man he didnt create that tom plays that riff on his live shows its just not as loud as davids power chords that everyone else always hears 07-09-22 18:44:57 __________________________________________________ | |
fknbangbang ::: Favorites ur shit 07-09-21 19:06:31 __________________________________________________ | |
ZEEKtheSMURF ::: Favorites hey man your verses are pretty creative...i play alot of blink songs and ava songs, and i enjoy playing this one alot...except i use a lower gain on mine, but man you created the verse, because tabs and other stuff just have like four chords...but that's really good. i played this song at a show once, but i didn't have a verse..lol but otherwise i pretty much play the same way you do... 07-09-20 21:50:03 __________________________________________________ | |
chris14977 ::: Favorites nice cover man. what effects did you use on your amp or guitar? 07-09-17 17:29:05 __________________________________________________ | |
chriss2401 ::: Favorites sweet cover dude :) 07-09-17 14:59:22 __________________________________________________ | |
kulasbasic ::: Favorites can you post ur tabs or give me the link to the site with them cause i like how you play the verses. Or just show ur hands playing. Nice job 07-09-07 15:53:36 __________________________________________________ | |
Mrbegals ::: Favorites where'd you get your tabs? nice guitar 07-08-29 17:25:42 __________________________________________________ | |
vansfreek ::: Favorites 900 dollars 07-08-27 19:56:58 __________________________________________________ | |
rito008 ::: Favorites how much did your guitar cost? 07-08-27 18:20:53 __________________________________________________ |
Headzup: Cheney On The G.A.O. Iraq Benchmark Report
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Duration: 00:26 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-30 18:19:14 User: headzup :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Vice President Dick Cheney discusses the GAO report on the failed Iraqi progress benchmarks. Read more about Iraq meeting only 3 of 18 benchmarks here-- http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070830/ap_on_go_co/us_iraq Download daily Catch and Release Comedy™ political cartoons to your mobile phone or iPod at http://www.headzup.tv |
Comments | |
gymer15 ::: Favorites as long as the good ol boys at hallaburton are making big bucks we should all shut up and close our eyes and ears. thats what dick wants. 07-09-08 13:11:18 __________________________________________________ | |
Waldohasaskit210 ::: Favorites that was quite random 07-09-01 00:00:35 __________________________________________________ | |
heckofanutjob ::: Favorites It should have ended with Cheney taking out his shotgun. 07-08-31 08:25:17 __________________________________________________ | |
noBush322 ::: Favorites HAHAHAHAHA!!!! good call!!! 07-08-31 02:32:59 __________________________________________________ | |
PopeKurt ::: Favorites that cheneys a trickster, aint he, lol. 07-08-30 22:01:12 __________________________________________________ | |
niksvideos ::: Favorites cheney sucks dick. 07-08-30 21:00:48 __________________________________________________ | |
lmn8bush ::: Favorites cheney is a dick . 07-08-30 18:39:06 __________________________________________________ |
3d animation reel
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Duration: 04:38 minutes Upload Time: 06-06-24 14:39:24 User: deankovitch :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Ene Solutions 3d animation show reel www.enesolutions.com |
Comments | |
amir062o409 ::: Favorites Awesome clip. This website is pretty cool for hot camgirls - _TIME4CAMZ.COM_ 07-09-29 17:39:37 __________________________________________________ | |
dontgetaol ::: Favorites woah 07-09-27 17:24:17 __________________________________________________ | |
GreatFrosty ::: Favorites very nice work on this reel. damn decent. 07-09-26 22:45:24 __________________________________________________ | |
sotek30 ::: Favorites It's from the German movie Run Lola Run. 07-09-26 21:13:20 __________________________________________________ | |
RavenOfTheSouth ::: Favorites whats this song called?? 07-09-26 20:18:37 __________________________________________________ | |
isisavye ::: Favorites thats just plain sick yo... nice... 07-09-26 18:37:38 __________________________________________________ | |
002E00 ::: Favorites It's a show reel, meaning they're showing their work. Very nice work I must say. 07-09-26 15:57:33 __________________________________________________ | |
barryperrins ::: Favorites Very good. Nice work. 07-09-26 10:52:48 __________________________________________________ | |
Pampermelon ::: Favorites i don't get it 07-09-22 08:32:39 __________________________________________________ | |
ScreamingRage01 ::: Favorites Autodesk didn't originate 3DS Max either... Discreet did. They've just purchased up some of their major competitors to center themselves on the character animation market. Maya is far more advanced than Max... especially with the introduction of Nucleus for 8.5 ... 07-09-15 06:17:01 __________________________________________________ |
Shinamon - The Movie- Trailer
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Duration: 02:45 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-23 00:35:38 User: Kayem7289x :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: You might ask why I would put something like this up, but THSK's "Together" is actually part of the movie. I'm going to see the movie now, just because THSK's song is featured xD! |
Comments | |
ShikaShikamaruGirl ::: Favorites OMG I love Cinnamoroll is my FAV and DBSK is like my life omg so going to see this!!!!! 07-09-30 18:31:49 __________________________________________________ | |
iluvspence ::: Favorites if it werent for dbsk's voice throughout this trailer i wouldnt have watched it XD 07-09-08 12:22:03 __________________________________________________ | |
spoiledfilipino ::: Favorites o wow.. i've never heard of that song before.. did that song come out yet? lol wut a cute preview... and i think i've recognized ur sn on the boajjang forums ^^ 07-08-21 20:46:32 __________________________________________________ | |
callie90 ::: Favorites AHH! i love TVXQ and i have two big cinnamoroll soft toys from japan! yay!!! the song sounds rather plain though... 07-07-29 11:03:56 __________________________________________________ | |
DongBangSis4Life ::: Favorites OMG, the movie is so so so cute! And the song in the BG is so so so cute too, I hope it comes out in a single or something like that <333 07-07-28 14:29:46 __________________________________________________ | |
yilei123 ::: Favorites yipeee!!i love both cinnamoroll and TVXQ!their collaborotion shocked me at first but i'm still happy to hear that TVXQ! is singing the theme song for cinnamoroll's movie!this is the greatest surprise ever!!^0^ 07-07-28 09:53:24 __________________________________________________ | |
swftrocks23 ::: Favorites aww so cute! i want to watch it, only because cinnamoroll is my favorite sanrio character and tohoshinki is my favorite band! lol. ^_^ 07-07-28 07:41:59 __________________________________________________ | |
mangaxdrama ::: Favorites wat's d song that starts playing around 1:06min? 07-07-27 23:51:55 __________________________________________________ | |
jennytrinh ::: Favorites Waaa!I think I`m gonna try to watch this movie soon!I think I also wanna watch the other movie that after this commericail. 07-07-27 14:44:52 __________________________________________________ | |
xswtpnai143 ::: Favorites actually i would watch it because of dbsk too.. lol xD thanks <3 07-07-26 05:17:30 __________________________________________________ |
Ja Rule Bossip Interview Part 1 (Talks Superhead & 50 Cent)
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Duration: 09:32 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-20 01:53:22 User: BossipFan :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Ja Rule talks about smacking up 50 in a studio and his relationship with Superhead |
Comments | |
darkstreetwolf ::: Favorites yeah it was when this nigga was 20 and shit jumpin around and dancin in the bitches videos now nobody will need his old ass anymore females have omarion and souljaboy 07-10-02 16:50:08 __________________________________________________ | |
LynchTownVirginia ::: Favorites i doubt that cuz ja is one of the biggest sellin rapers of all times 30 million records sold 07-10-02 15:56:28 __________________________________________________ | |
darkstreetwolf ::: Favorites i bet this nigga gonna say 1000 copies at the most 07-10-02 12:34:04 __________________________________________________ | |
Viciousrw ::: Favorites man rule fuck u talking bout man all u songs u sound like a fucking shemale on crack how the fuck bossip get hold of him did they find him in the garbage if u want to talk bout 50 cent find a artist that doing good right now like lil wayne who the fuck is ja rule go sing wid big bird u sesame street cookie monster e popping mother fucker this aint bout 50 this bout principle ja rule couldnt sell condoms to fucking whores fucking fagget bossip im dissapointed in you. 07-10-02 01:19:40 __________________________________________________ | |
kaneBB ::: Favorites jai is dead hes a clown 07-10-02 01:12:45 __________________________________________________ | |
MrHunt35 ::: Favorites so funny that 50 is so much bigger than Ja and Ja still beat his ass twice, and then they sued him. ha 07-10-01 20:38:06 __________________________________________________ | |
motoman0000 ::: Favorites your in 8th grade huh 07-09-30 12:58:52 __________________________________________________ | |
rrulee ::: Favorites fuck all yall bitch ass monkey unit ass fans yall r bunch of faggets,if ur a bug teeth fan then u fake homi u don't know shyt.50 has shyt from tah,black and ja i listen to his shyt and it sounds just like them so yall mothafuckas keep ur mouth shut. 07-09-29 16:55:34 __________________________________________________ | |
67holla ::: Favorites i bet ja brouht 2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 copies of kanye west and 50 copies of 50 cent. 07-09-29 10:07:13 __________________________________________________ | |
CapricornLove2 ::: Favorites I find it funny that Ja is a hater but 50 snitch can't sell multi platinum records without talking sh*t about people. This nigga shitted on Ja for singing on records and he's now doing records with Nicole from the Pussy cat dolls (that's gay), Justin Timberfake (even gayer) and Robin Thicke. What kind of sh*t is that. 07-09-28 09:53:14 __________________________________________________ |
South of Nowhere-Top 10
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Duration: 08:45 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-03 17:46:44 User: ashlover666 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: top ten south of nowhere moments |
Comments | |
Anguishinhereyes ::: Favorites haha the end was cute..."hehe..you know you like it"..i do i do.=D 07-09-30 03:46:52 __________________________________________________ | |
Shizuma2293 ::: Favorites holy shit, season three, when Carmen pushes Spencer, imagine what Ashley would do to that bitch if she was there, it would go DOWN.lolz, that would have been awesome 07-09-27 21:23:19 __________________________________________________ | |
blkdrummergrl ::: Favorites great job... yeah i loved it... lol 07-09-23 12:33:14 __________________________________________________ | |
sonaddict93 ::: Favorites good vid i like it 07-09-16 19:08:19 __________________________________________________ | |
ashlover666 ::: Favorites yea it's pretty intense 07-09-13 19:10:13 __________________________________________________ | |
chickletinterrupted ::: Favorites loved the glen kiss. My favorite moment was number 3 07-09-13 16:30:06 __________________________________________________ | |
ashlover666 ::: Favorites alrighty 07-09-09 13:39:06 __________________________________________________ | |
sonjunkie ::: Favorites -loves it with all my heat- :] :] :] 07-09-08 23:57:00 __________________________________________________ | |
i3abyi3lueeyes ::: Favorites good vid, but i did one like this about spashley so check it out x 07-09-07 07:57:49 __________________________________________________ | |
ashlover666 ::: Favorites haha smooth! 07-09-06 23:17:05 __________________________________________________ |
Kof2001 Yamakawa(Japan) vs Chei Donfun(Korea)
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Duration: 10:28 minutes Upload Time: 06-09-13 01:45:55 User: Emillll :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Japan vs. Korea, Korea wins 3-1. Very high level gameplay here. Characters used are Heidern, Kyo, May Lee(she's too much in this game), Ralf, Vanessa, K' and Kim. |
Comments | |
messitup ::: Favorites omg, finally found this video,,, that maylee rocks like crazy 07-09-21 19:13:20 __________________________________________________ | |
CRAPPUCCInoo ::: Favorites uh not the world cup apparently. 07-09-13 02:56:13 __________________________________________________ | |
sagacannon24 ::: Favorites good match!!! lets play in x box live my gamertag is sagacannon24 07-07-15 03:35:41 __________________________________________________ | |
ssanghho ::: Favorites the name is dong hoon, not donfun 07-06-21 18:24:20 __________________________________________________ | |
Valiant81 ::: Favorites everyone should use the 2 char/2 striker system. 1 char/3 strikers is a totally unfair match. attacks barely chip away at the ratio 4 char's lifebar as opposed to CVS2 where 3 chars have a chance against a ratio 4. The system wasn't well thought out by Playmore. 07-06-15 12:35:03 __________________________________________________ | |
ausreir ::: Favorites Never knew KOF2001 was such a brutal and short affair.... 07-06-15 00:43:43 __________________________________________________ | |
greenfreak92 ::: Favorites nice combo from kyo 07-05-25 02:56:27 __________________________________________________ | |
jksun12 ::: Favorites nice playing. korea won. korea wins everything. 07-05-19 02:31:39 __________________________________________________ | |
krzykrnkln ::: Favorites very nice playing from korea and japan 07-04-24 01:11:05 __________________________________________________ | |
DaNameIsKEViN ::: Favorites Korea Won. 07-03-11 16:06:13 __________________________________________________ |
Stepmania Naruto: Haruka Kanata
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Duration: 02:10 minutes Upload Time: 06-12-16 02:50:35 User: ProphetGH :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Me Playing Stepmania to Naruto's Haruka Kanata |
Comments | |
gameavenger123 ::: Favorites how did u get this song on stepmania. 07-09-28 03:40:07 __________________________________________________ | |
AVATARATX ::: Favorites man i just wish this was a download song so i put it on the arcade game we got but hands down this is 1 of the best naruto song and a very easy 5 star rating 07-09-26 06:36:13 __________________________________________________ | |
steam999 ::: Favorites can u send me a message with any naruto songs u got i allrdy got naruto shipuden ending and opening plz :/ 07-09-24 12:06:55 __________________________________________________ | |
AVATARATX ::: Favorites umm isachantheninja64 dude i can do that song with my feet easy but at 1 part i will have to use my hands i play those dance game all the time in the arcade and some parts u have to use your hands ton of song are like that yo so no u do not need 3 legs yo 07-09-18 15:38:40 __________________________________________________ | |
lpk294 ::: Favorites hey, nice video, just wondering, wat program did you use to record the screen? 07-09-08 20:01:00 __________________________________________________ | |
Lionshearth223 ::: Favorites Lionshearth223 07-09-06 22:51:18 __________________________________________________ | |
deathanjel344 ::: Favorites it isn't DDR, its stepmania, this guys just using the keyboard. 07-09-03 05:45:56 __________________________________________________ | |
Isachantheninja ::: Favorites At 1:23 its physically impossible unless you have 3 legs or something! 07-09-02 21:04:26 __________________________________________________ | |
ninjasumari64 ::: Favorites thats really cool i bet my brother can do that too 07-08-31 14:40:03 __________________________________________________ | |
nanachan17 ::: Favorites O_O Dude... 07-08-28 12:08:42 __________________________________________________ |
Кочани, Македонија (Kocani, Macedonia)
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Duration: 06:31 minutes Upload Time: 06-12-22 21:23:55 User: punisher65 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Кочани, Македонија - City of Kocani, Republic of Macedonia - Song by Esma Redzepova - Kocani moj roden kraj - Music supplied by MkMuzika.com - Photos supplied by Sasko Andonov www.kocani.gov.mk and www.macedoniancities.com |
Comments | |
nenad1kocani ::: Favorites uuuuuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeee kocani moj grad!!!!!!! pozdrav od svajcarija 07-09-02 09:44:32 __________________________________________________ | |
gulada ::: Favorites pozdrav od İzmir-Karsiyaka...ovoj vikend bevte so Kocani folklore ansambl vo Yeni Foca festival..sve sto mnogu ubava bese.blagodaram sto dojdovte tuka.pak pozdrav do site tamu(Erdem Gulada) 07-08-28 05:37:33 __________________________________________________ | |
clubphreak ::: Favorites Pozdrav do site, Kocani Zakon! Ile Chicago :) 07-08-25 21:02:59 __________________________________________________ | |
Gokkies ::: Favorites Pozdrav od Avstralia za site na you tube od najdobroto grad vo Makedonia Kocani. 07-08-03 05:22:17 __________________________________________________ | |
kocanicrocop ::: Favorites Најубаворо градче во Македонија 07-07-21 10:30:37 __________________________________________________ | |
punisher65 ::: Favorites фала фала, поздрав и до вас. 07-07-20 15:49:51 __________________________________________________ | |
KocaniCanada ::: Favorites Pozdrav od Kocancani vo Canada! Gosh I miss that nice place! :) 07-07-18 00:46:20 __________________________________________________ | |
bgmakedonka ::: Favorites Od Blagoevgrad do Kocani preku Delcevo e ne poveke 2 casa pat,kolku sto znam!Moze nekoj pat da vi dojdeme tamu dragi gosti!:)Ako deka sme od Bugarija,pak sme ljuge! 07-06-17 12:53:43 __________________________________________________ | |
superuzza ::: Favorites Pozdrav iz Italije! :) 07-06-15 11:55:45 __________________________________________________ | |
grozdanov1 ::: Favorites kocani najubav i najcist grad na svetot.Sakam te zasekogas!!! Pozdrav od Maribor(SLO)! 07-06-10 05:41:43 __________________________________________________ |
Trunks and Vegeta walk alone
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Duration: 04:17 minutes Upload Time: 06-10-09 18:48:47 User: Senjisama :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: This is a video fo DBZ I made with the song boulevard of Broken Dreams.It's not so good.Hope you like it |
Comments | |
pumuklee33 ::: Favorites hehe maybe 07-09-06 15:05:59 __________________________________________________ | |
ChaosBeing ::: Favorites Ahhhh, maybe because frieza is trying to kill goku and all of planet earth. I could be wrong, maybe frieza stole his ice cream when he was a baby. Who knows? 07-08-30 14:39:13 __________________________________________________ | |
ChaosBeing ::: Favorites oh okay, the trunks movie. thx!!! 07-08-30 14:37:17 __________________________________________________ | |
pumuklee33 ::: Favorites dbz movie 14 or 15 i cant remember.....that film tell trunks story 07-08-29 23:20:32 __________________________________________________ | |
akatsukicommander ::: Favorites Hey all dbz fans!! Check out my new funny dbz series called "The Funny DBZ" but u can only see it if u click my name to watch them... idk why but its hilarious!! I already made 3 episodes and by the comments I got they are amazingly funny so check them out everyone and don't forget to comment!!! 07-08-15 20:47:03 __________________________________________________ | |
ChaosBeing ::: Favorites what episode is it where trunks is in the red building. (in the video it is at 0:12) 07-05-27 15:22:08 __________________________________________________ | |
TrueSaiyanOfNamek ::: Favorites Why Trunks Want To Kill Frieza.Good Vid 07-05-07 01:17:45 __________________________________________________ | |
krilin27 ::: Favorites this vidio is very awsome who ever made it knows how to do vidios it bad ass 07-05-04 19:12:49 __________________________________________________ | |
krilin27 ::: Favorites wow this coooool video of dbz trunks looks nice and the song awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 07-04-28 21:23:51 __________________________________________________ | |
steadyteddy111 ::: Favorites i like it! 07-04-23 15:25:12 __________________________________________________ |