Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Al Qa'ida's Resurgence (Segment 2)

Duration: 232 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-16 23:00:18
User: terrormonitor
:::: Favorites

7/16/07 -- MSNBC: National security officials are warning that an attack against the U.S. could be imminent. An unclassified version of the National Intelligence estimate is expected this week. Steve Emerson addresses statements by Stephen Hadley that al Qa'ida is weaker than it was on 9/11 but stronger than it was immediately following by stating that we are trying to interrupt operations overseas by collecting intelligence, bombing hideouts and trying to find Zawahri (who is intricately connected -- maybe more so than bin Laden. This was not the case pre 9/11 and it makes a big difference. Emerson discusses the recent overseas proliferation of "homegrown terrorists" who are self-appointed and not necessarily connected to al Qa'ida. On the issue of "warning fatigue" Emerson believes that people are listening to the current warnings due to multiple threat signals now on the horizon.

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